学生は、Ansys HFSS、Ansys Maxwell、Ansys Q3D、およびAnsys Icepakにアクセスでき、幅広い電気および電気-機械システムの設計作業を可能にします。 今すぐ無料でダウンロード Ansys Zemax OpticStudio Student Ansys Zemax OpticStudio Studentは、ユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェースと強力なツー...
Students will have access to Ansys HFSS, Ansys Maxwell, Ansys Q3D, and Ansys Icepak allowing design work a broad range of electrical and electro-mechanical systems. Free Download Now Ansys Zemax OpticStudio Student Ansys Zemax OpticStudio Student provides an intuitive interface and powerful tools,...
运用Ansys Electronics Desktop 学生版 Maxwell软件进行3D作动器仿真 北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校电气与计算机工程系副教授Kathryn Leigh Smith表示:“通过Ansys 强有力的高校计划,可帮助工程学生在课堂内外都能获得成功。Electronics Desktop学生版的推出让自学更简单、更方便。此外,我们与Ansys联合开发基于电子领域的创新课程...
Hi, I am a little bit confused about the versions compatibility of Workbench and Maxwell. Recently I downloaded the Free student version of Workbench (both Ansys AIM student and Ansys Student, just to be sure) to try if its suitable for my research work.
>> iMaxwell=actxserver('AnsoftMaxwell.MaxwellScriptInterface'); Error using actxserver (line 93) Server creation failed. Invalid ProgID 'AnsoftMaxwell.MaxwellScriptInterface'. But getting the above error. If anyone could help me out how to find correct progid for Ansys Student Ele...
I have downloaded Ansys Student Version on my new mashine today and got problems. I can't open SpaceClaim in Ansys Workbench it doesn't do anything.First only ansys student, later also Discovery - error stays the same. If i try to to run SpaceClaim separ
Create and analyze both a 3D and 2D model of an EMB system using a DC magnetostatic solver in Maxwell using variables to set up a parametric analysis.
Ansys engineering simulation and 3D design software delivers product modeling solutions with unmatched scalability and a comprehensive multiphysics foundation.
suffixes = {"Export to HFSS": "HFSS", "Export to Q3D": "Q3D", "Export to Maxwell 3D": "M3D", "Export to Icepak": "IPK"} if "PYAEDT_SCRIPT_PORT" in os.environ and "PYAEDT_SCRIPT_VERSION" in os.environ: port = int(os.environ["PYAEDT_SCRIPT_PORT"]) version = os.environ[...
This course introduces you to the Ansys Q3D design type in AEDT. This course provides the step-by-step procedures required for analysis using AEDT Student version. It is the same procedure used for the commercial version. More details about this student version can be foundhere. ...