输入快捷键win+s,搜索windows功能,勾选关闭hyper-v功能,重启电脑,以管理员身份运行命令栏终端,输入以下命令: netsh int ipv4 add excludedportrange protocol=tcp startport=1084 numberofports=1 其中1084是指从端口1084开始,1是指一个端口,运行之后1084端口就会解除保留成为可用状态,此时运行以下命令: dism.exe /On...
1. 安装Ansys2023或2024版本第一步安装 License Manager 遇到报错,在报错详情里面找到报错日志: "FATAL ERROR: Port 1084 is in use. The Tomcat server cannot be started until this port is free. The licensing configuration cannot continue until this issue is resolved. Exiting." 解决方法: netstat -ano...
I did re-run License Manager Installation, and comes with attached error: What I did backed up share _file and remove it and after that re-applied. and re-run the License Manager GUI still the same error. Opening the localhost1084 still have no GUI appear. Kindly help to resolve this,...
还记得之前安装License manager时的报错吗,现在报应来了。 用你的浏览器打开localhost:1084,即可访问授权服务器,但是你会发现... STOPPED 尝试START一下: 2023/10/24 00:45:26: Attempting to start the license manager...2023/10/24 00:45:26: Error: The following requiredfiledoes not exist: /usr/ans...
I installed the R2 manager first. Then I uninstall R2 following the procedure listed here. I reinstalled the latest release "Ansys License Manager Release 2019 R3". After instillation I get this error "The License manager is stopped" with red box and hand in it. The license is running on ...
I have installed ANSYS License Management Center (2019 R1) and am running the license file provided to me. However, when I run an installed program such as ANSYS Mechanical 19.2, it returns me the error "Could not connect to any license servers." In the
2.2.6 安装license。 还记得之前安装License manager时的报错吗,现在报应来了。 用你的浏览器打开localhost:1084,即可访问授权服务器,但是你会发现... STOPPED 尝试START一下: 2023/10/24 00:45:26: Attempting to start the license manager...2023/10/24 00:45:26: Error: The following requiredfiledoes ...