安装许可证管理器时显示安装完成,但是出现错误,无法继续安装。查看日志文件显示 'FATAL ERROR: Port 1084 is in use. The Tomcat server cannot be started until this port is free',意为1084端口被占用导致,于是在排除了计算机用户名以及安装路径等没有中文及特殊字符的情况下,在windows命令栏窗口中输入以下命令:...
然而在安装过程中仍遭遇了报错问题,具体报错信息如下:在尝试安装ANSYS系列软件时,我遇到了一个特定的错误信息:“ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR:Request name electronics desktop does not exist in the licensing pool. System clock has been set back. Feature:electronics desktop License path: 1055@localhost; Fl...
1. 安装Ansys2023或2024版本第一步安装 License Manager 遇到报错,在报错详情里面找到报错日志: "FATAL ERROR: Port 1084 is in use. The Tomcat server cannot be started until this port is free. The licensing configuration cannot continue until this issue is resolved. Exiting." 解决方法: netstat -ano...
在安装ANSYS软件如HFSS、Iecpak等过程中,报错信息为:ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR: Request name electronics desktop does not exist in the licensing pool. System clock has been set back. Feature: electronics desktop License path: 1055@localhost; FlexNet Licensing error:-88309.此错误提示与...
ANSYS lic..2.报错提示:The required license file was not found in: F:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Share(在以下位置找不到所需的许可证文件
ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR:Request name cfd_solve_level2 does not exist in the licensing pool. Invalid (inconsistent) license key. The license key and data for the feature do not match. This usually happens when a license file has been altered. ...
背景:实验室服务器上安装ANSYS ES 2020R1,远程桌面操作安装后,打开报错ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR:Failover feature... 参考 Luminous:ANSYS服务器远程桌面启动出现出现 license 错误 找到此版本的解决办法: D:\Program Files\AnsysEM\Shared Files\Licensing\license_files(安装目录),找到ansyslmd,用记事本打开,查找...
1,打开license tool,停止它;2,如果有几个网卡的话,禁用其它,只有一个;3,重新生成license文件;4,在license tool里用向导安装;5,再运行license;6,最后一点,做以上步骤时保证没有连接到网络。