我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 "License CheckOut Failed: Second Super Custom3 checkout attempt"这个错误通常与ANSYS软件的许可文件有关。这可能是由于以下几种原因:1. 许可文件丢失或损坏:确保你的许可文件(一般是.dat文件)已经正确安装,并且没有在复制或移动过程中被破坏。2. 硬件锁问题...
1ansys提示出现错误Product:ANSYS Multiphysics (feature 'ane3fl')Checkout failed for the above product.FLEXlm error message:The desired vendor daemon is down (-97,121)Servers/license files searched:1055@cai(本机名)(For additional licensing debug details,set the ANS_FLEXLM_DEBUGenvironment variable ...
许可证没有装好,下面这个是我百度的 Product: ANSYS Multiphysics (feature 'ane3fl') Checkout failed for the above product. FLEXlm error message: Cannot connect to license server (-15,10:10061 "WinSock: Connection refuse d") Servers/license files searched: 1055@20110113...
matlab遇到licensecheckout failed和licenseManger Error8解决办法,所有版本适用 AU管家-国足加油· 7-3 ANSYS断裂分析 共4/第2集:撕裂、张开、扭转三种断裂模式仿真(Critical Fracture Parameters ) 有限元从入门到入土· 2022-5-19 82812 19:46 1.6万4 ...
1. 可解决的问题为:1)ANSYS安装好以后,可注册不了,即license有问题;2)ANSYS用了一段时间以后,又不能用了(如被360隔离当做病毒 了),不用着急卸载掉ANSYS,只要重新license一下,如果不行,再重新安装ANSYS;2. 具体步骤如下:1)计算机右键—管理,如图 2)选择“服务和应用程序”—“服务”,名称下面...
启动ansys时会出现ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR的警告,内容如下:product:ANSYS Multiphysics (feature 'ane3fl') checkout failed for the above product. FLEXlm error message: cannot connect to license server system.(-15,578:10057"winsock:socket is not connected") servers/license files searched: 1055@zha...
如果安装ANSYS系列产品时,license文件正常,LMTOOL启动正常,启动之后出现以下信息,并出错: failed to get ansys license 241; return code -88, Product: ANSYS AI*Environment(feature 'aienv') Checkout failed for the above product, FLEXlm error message; System clock has been set back,(-88,309) 那么其...
FlexNet licensing error: -15 Cannot connect to license server Error: Failed to checkout feature... Error: Could not connect to Ansys license server specified at ... This is either a network connectivity issue or a firewall issue. No request for license checkout can be seen on the Ansys ...
License ID: License checkout failed.Failover feature 'ANSYS Academic Teaching CFD' specified in ...