在ANSYS Workbench中进行求解时,有时会遇到“Invalid "Assignment"”的错误提示,致使求解无法继续进行。并且在association中提示类似如下的错误提示: Project>Model>Geometry>SYS>SYS\XXX,或: Project>Model>Geometry>Geom>Geom\Surface 此错误从字面意思就可以看出是产生了无效的关联,即模型没有关联材料属性,或关联了有...
ANSYS各种时间步求解方法比较 下面以一个弹塑性立方块求解为例. 基本建模 /prep7 Et,1,solid45 Mp,ex,1,3e4 Mp,nuxy,1,0.3 TB,BKIN,1,1,2,1 TBDATA,,20,10,,, Block,,10,,10,,10 Esize,1 Vmesh,1 Asel,s,loc,y,0 Da,all,all !求解部分共三种方法比较 方法1:采用do循环批处理 *DO,I,1...
C."Class3 Error" means an error which allows the program execution to complete and yield results that may be wrong but not easily identifiable as incorrect. D."Contract User(s)" means an individual or entity, not a regular employee of Licensee, who is engaged to perform Licensee's internal...
transaction or series of related transactions in which the security holders of Licensee immediately prior to such transaction(s) do not hold at least a majority of the outstanding voting securities of Licensee immediately after the transaction(s); or (vi)燼ny other attempted assignment of this ...
I keep getting the Invalid Assignment error with the association Project Model Geometry Geom Geom\Surface. The surface itself is rather complex & originally fro