检查防火墙设置:确保防火墙没有阻止FlexNet Licensing服务的通信。如果需要,可以将FlexNet Licensing服务添加...
FlexNet Licensing:not applicable 这是felx被关了,很多界面都是大红叉,左边菜单找到AdvancedOptions选项...
Win10安装ansys17.0时证书出现的问题之解决方法1、安装完ansys17.0之后运行MechanicalAPDL17.0,出现FlexNet Licensing error:-114,582的错误,如下图所示: 2、经过百度对比之前版本出现的问题时,发现在安装文件Ansys\ANSYSInc\Shared Files\Licensing\winx64中,少了 ...
In a typical configuration, the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect starts the FlexNet component lmgrd, which then starts ansyslmd. With the Licensing Interconnect, your license file and license options file are still applicable and in effect. Using an intermediary process allows us to seamlessly integrate ...
Request name disco level1 does not exist in the licensing pool. Invalid (inconsistent) license key. The license key and data for the feature do not match. This usually happens when a license file has been altered Feature: disco level License path: 1055@xxxxxxx; FlexNet Licensing error:-8,54...
CAE软件技术学习交流区ANSYS中FlEXlm not running的一种解决办法 - 这方法并不适合我,但也许适合你。