If you look at the end of the solver output file, you will see a summary of the time and memory statistics. The Total CPU time for the main thread is let’s say ‘x’ seconds, while the elapsed time is ‘y’ s. This indicates that around y-x secs was s...
During this solution, the elapsed time exceeded the CPU time by an excessive margin. Often this indicates either a lack of physical memory (RAM) required to efficiently handle this simulation or it indicates a particularly slow hard drive configuration. This simulation can be expected to run faste...
Thesolutionprocesswasabortedasyourequested.Duringthissolution,theelapsedtimeexceededtheCPUtimebyanexcessivemargin.Oftenthisindicateseitheralackofphysicalmemory(RAM)requiredtoefficientlyhandlethissimulationoritindicatesaparticularlyslowharddriveconfiguration.Thissimulationcanbee 8、xpectedtorunfasteronidenticalhardwareif...
During this solution, the elapsed time exceeded the CPU time by an excessive margin. Often this indicates either a lack of physical memory (RAM) required to efficiently handle this simulation or it indicates a particularly slow hard drive configuration. This simulation can be expected to run faste...
CP time = CPU 计算总共时间 (不含前处理及矩阵生成), 若为多核心则要除以核心数。Elapsed time = 分析总共时间 , 等於分析起始点到结束时间。这是ANSYS workbench的警告,我也遇到了这样的问题。意即:求解期间,计时器溢出。原因是运算量太庞大,内存不足。解决方法:把模型简化,网格质量降低一点...
During this solution, the elapsed time exceeded the CPU time by an excessive margin、Often this indicates either a lack of physical memory (RAM) required to efficiently handle this simulation or it indicates a particularly slow hard drive configuration、This simulation can be expected to run faster...
Duringthissolution,theelapsedtimeexceededtheCPUtimebyanexcessivemargin.Oftenthisindicateseithera lackofphysicalmemory(RAM)requiredtoefficientlyhandlethissimulationoritindicatesaparticularlyslowhard driveconfiguration.ThissimulationcanbeexpectedtorunfasteronidenticalhardwareifadditionalRAMorafaster ...
Duringthissolution,theelapsedtimeexceededtheCPUtimebyanexcessivemargin.Oftenthis indicateseitheralackofphysicalmemory(RAM)requiredtoefficientlyhandlethissimulationorit indicatesaparticularlyslowharddriveconfiguration.Thissimulationcanbeexpectedtorunfasteron identicalhardwareifadditionalRAMorafasterharddriveconfigurationismadeavail...
求大神帮忙啊,ANS..During this solution, the elapsed time exceeded the CPU time by an excessive margin. Often this ind