最近使用ansys workbench模拟接触这块一直出问题,提示1.No contact was detected for this contact pair....
12CONTACT PAIR(ASSEMBLY_BLANKBOT,ASSEMBLY_TIE-1_DIEDURF) NODE BLANK-1.5 IS OVERCLOSED BY0.0512228 WHICH IS TOO SEVERE 这往往是因为接触面的法线方向定义反了。定义刚体和shell的surface时, 要注意选择外侧 13123456 elements aredistorted。Excessive distortion of eleme...
* Ansys is a registered trademark of ANSYS, Inc. or its * * subsidiaries in the United ...
Could you share images of the geometry and the contact pair where the problem is occurring? For example, may be share the list of inactive contacts and a sample image of the geometry for one such contact? Sai April 4, 2020 at 5:45 am sruthyvs Subscriber Thank you sir for your reply.P...
Mai nMenu _Preprocessor _Modeling_ Create _k Con tact Pairs弹出的“接触管理”对话框,选择新建接触对祠 Prarrmai 曰 r*pb-DCS-GCl|-E Element Type 国 Real LvnalflntB E MUiA Friidl Prilfa EJ Sections 曰 Modebng 曰 CreirteJ四田mEJKypciM Ltatec ArewElementsB “fiM Pair E PipmayMuidipK ...
2015 ANSYS, Inc.April 16, 2015…Workshop 1A: Auto Contact DetectionHighlight the Engineering Data Cell and double click to openVerify the predefined material propertiesVerify that the units are in Metric (kg,mm,…) system.If not, fix this by clicking on…Utility MenuUnitsMetric(kg, mm,.....
The closed gap/penetration is larger than the pair based pinball.Please verify the pinball carefully...
Modified the initial penetration report of segment-to-segment (SOFT = 2) contact to make it more accurate and also to include a report of the total contact offsets for the pair, and the ratio of penetration depth to the offset. Added a new segment-to-segment (SOFT = 2) contact option...