apathetic apathy aped apeman apemen apex aphid apian apiarian apiary apiece aping aplenty apnea apogee apolitical apollo apology aport appall appalled appalling apparat appeal appealable appealed appellate appellee append appended appendix appetite appetitive appetize applaud apple applejack applet appliance ...
BLONDis defined as a light grayish yellow to near white. It is also defined as a person with fair skin and hair. It is also defined as being or having light colored skin and hair and usually blue or grey eyes. BLONDEis defined as a light grayish yellow to near white. It is ...
that influences events. It is also defined as breath. WINDOWis defined as a pane of glass in a window. It is also defined as a framework of wood or metal that contains a glass windowpane and is built into a wall or roof to admit light or air. It is also defined as an open...