A1:If Dave was a good programmer he would have questioned the "obvious" oversight and not just programmed his software to only work through 1999.Because he didn't, a software tester should have tested for and found the bug. The team could have then decided whether to fix it. 2、Ture or...
SoftwareTesting-AnswerstoQuizQuestions(六) Chapter 19 1: Cite a few reasons that a bug might not be fixed. A1: There's not enough time in the schedule, it's not a bug, it's too risky, it's not worth it, and the bug wasn't reported properly. 2: What basic principles can you ...
A2: Because all the issues and questions defined in a test plan either impact or are influenced by other project functional groups or team members. Getting everyone to understand and agree to the contents of the plan is what matters. Privately creating a paper document and putting it on a sh...
Once the user enters the quiz scope and then jumps to a slide outside the scope, all questions are considered answered and locked in. Disabling backward movement affects all question slides in the quiz scope. If you want to enable users to navigate to any slides, enable b...
The present invention relates to a method for testing the correctness of answers to quiz questions, wherein a quiz manager and subscriber in each case an identical quiz computer operate, and on the actuation of a key of the follow quiz computer of the subscriber, a correct comparison of a ...
software testing-answers to quiz questions(四) 2010-11-01 |阅: 转: | 分享 chapter 8 1: what's the difference between a component and a peripheral? a1: generally, a component is a hardware device internal to a pc. a peripheral is external to the pc. the lines can become blurry, ...
110 easy general knowledge quiz questions The best G-spot vibes you need RN Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Hearst and third parties use cookies and similar technologies (“Cookies”) on this site. Some Cookies are necessary to make this site and our content available to you; these Cooki...
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United Kingdom Quiz Questions Click here for answers 1) United Kingdom was formed in which year? a) 1603 b) 1707 c) 1837 d) 1945 2) Who was the monarch of United Kingdom from 1837 to 1901? a) George III b) Elizabeth I c) Mary d) Victoria 3) Who is the first woman Prime Min...