LYOTARD, JEAN-FRANCOIS. 1993 (1982). "Answering the question: What is postmodernism?". En Thomas Docherty (ed.). Postmodernism: A reader. Harvester Wheatsheaf. Nueva York.Lyotard, J.-F. (1993). Answering the question: What is postmodernism? In T. Docherty (Ed.), Postmod- ernism. A ...
Is a State VAT the Answer What´s the Question 热度: All television is educational television. The only question is what is it 热度: 相关推荐 AnsweringtheQuestion:WhatIsPostmodernism? TranslatedbyRegisDurand FromJean-FrancoisLyotard,ThePosmodernCondition:AReportonKnowledge,Minneapolis; Universityof...
It argues that telephony has facilitated interaction with modernity and that the question is not whether modernity has eroded community but, rather, in what form has community been preserved. Its conclusion is positive, that the impact of telephony, both on its own and in combination with ...