It is possible to repackage learning materials that at one time were only available in the classroom for an entirely new audience or an existing audience in a more convenient format.Edward EckensteinJohn GagnepainErik Schirmer
4、 A clever student usually likes ___.A.asking questions B.answering questions C.find answers D.teachingothers短文如下:Students learn their lessons in class.In class teachers teach them.Students sit in the classroom listening to the teacher.This is a way of learning.Is this the only way fo...
Answering questions by learning to rank - Learning to rank by answering questions George-Sebastian Pîrtoacă, Traian Rebedea, Ștefan Rușeți University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, {traian.rebedea, stefan....
I have been learned English for about five years. I have learned about two thousands English words and some useful sentences. I have ever used English to talk with foreigners. I have ever worked for a travel agent as an international guide. I know I need to learn more to improve my ...
An Interactive and Collaborative Approach to Answering Questions for an Organization Many organizations regularly have to answer questions from their clients. While clients complain that they spend too much time navigating the organization's infrastructure to get answers, the organization's experts feel ov...
This paper focuses on the problem of Question Routing (QR) in Community Question Answering (CQA), which aims to route newly posted questions to the potential answerers who are most likely to answer them. Traditional methods to solve this problem only consider the text similarity features between ...
Learning a foreign language is not only a very difficult and rewarding experience (1 ) ___ a frustrating and valuable one. When language teachers use positive methods, students feel encouraged to answer eagerly, never(2) ___ about making mistakes. Other times, teachers who are not patient ...
we propose a model employing the semantic ranking that holds the first place in two of the most popular leaderboards for answering multiple-choice questions: ARC Easy and Challenge. To achieve this, we introduce a self-attention based neural network that latently learns to rank documents by their...
(EAT), and thus understand its main intent. The EAT deeply depends on the question categories that we described in Section5.2.1. For example, it is clear that for questions starting with the word “when”, the EAT is a date, while questions starting with “who” require the name of a...
Antonio Guzman Head of Innovation, Aura, Telefonica Back to tabs Documentation and resources Get started Documentation Microsoft Learn course Explore code samples Explore code samples Customization resources Language studio Frequently asked questions about question answering...