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FAQ finder: A case-based approach to knowledge navigation. In Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Applications, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 20–23 February 1995; pp. 80–86. [Google Scholar] Karan, M.; Žmak, L.; Šnajder, J. Frequently asked questions ...
A new Legend with a familiar face, Ash has overseen the Arenas from the shadows and held a tight grip on Pathfinder’s heart. A simulacrum made from the woman who once was Dr. Ashleigh Reid, Ash is determined to eliminate every trace of weakness that held her back as a human.. Detec...
AI Communications – The European Journal on Artificial Intelligence 19(2), 137–154 (2006) MathSciNet Google Scholar De Vos, M., Schaub, T. (eds.): SEA 2007: Software Engineering for Answer Set Programming, vol. 281. CEUR (2007), Brain, M., De ...
In: AI* IA 2007: Artificial Intelligence and Human-Oriented Computing, pp. 386–397. Springer, Berlin (2007) Spitkovsky, V.I., Alshawi, H., Chang, A.X., Jurafsky, D.: Unsupervised dependency parsing without gold part-of-speech tags. In: Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Empirical...
A new Legend with a familiar face, Ash has overseen the Arenas from the shadows and held a tight grip on Pathfinder’s heart. A simulacrum made from the woman who once was Dr. Ashleigh Reid, Ash is determined to eliminate every trace of weakness that held her back as a human.. Detec...