如果你刚步入球鞋圈,也许你对 Answer 1 这个名字并不熟知。 但要问艾佛森,相信就算不玩鞋的朋友也是相当熟悉这个名字。 而Answer 1 就是 Reebok 在 1997-1998 赛季为艾弗森量身定做的签名球鞋! 想当年,艾佛森穿着 Answer 1 驰骋 NBA 球场的飒爽英姿,可谓深深影响了不少人! 为此,Reebok 特意采访了吴悠,与...
Answer 1是Reebok在NBA 1997-98赛季根据AI的个人特点量身定做的鞋款,同时也拉开了最为球迷所喜爱的Answer系列篮球鞋的序幕。支撑力十足的中邦鞋型设计以及隐藏式鞋带设计令Answer 1的鞋型更贴合双脚,鞋底加入了Reebok当家跑鞋科技的DMX气囊技术更是令这双Answer 1如虎添翼,“空气流动得如同艾弗森一样快”。将缓震跑...
登录 | 手机版 | 百度首页 下载百度汉语App 名师好课免费看answer 百科释义 报错 answer,英语单词,动词、名词,意思是答复、回答。 查看百科 注:百科释义来自于百度百科,由网友自行编辑。© Baidu 使用百度前必读 百度首页 问题反馈 商务合作 关注微博 ...
1. 释义区别:- Reply:指对收到的信息或问题做出回应或回答。- Answer:指直接回答问题、提供解决方案或给出明确答案。例句:- I sent her an email, and she quickly replied with the information I needed.(我给她发送了一封电子邮件,她很快回复了我需要的信息。)- Can you answer this que...
迷题卜孞乸题了↖\孞孞射遇卜义少1↖义创建于18-05-18 关注 全部评论(0) 暂无评论,快抢沙发喽~推荐阅读 #护士/护理人员#刚入职的护士工资是多少?是不是特别低? 1回答 #河北大学#北京的公司,刚入职四个月,不按时发工资。好的是跟老板要会给。该辞职吗? 5回答 #涨薪宝典#各位朋友们,如何跟领导...
1、The answer is zero当老外对你说:The answer is zero. 想表达的意思是事情“白忙一场、毫无结果” 例句:No matter what you have done, the answer is zero.无论你做了什么,都是白忙一场。A: How is the programme?计划怎么样了?B: The answer is zero.白忙活了。 2、answer backanswer (sb.)...
答案(1)考查名词。句意:我最大也是最困难的挑战似乎是观众。根据后一句They did not share the same culture as we do,and they might have had...preferences and expectations.(他们和我们的文化不同,他们可能有不同的偏好和期望。)可知此处说的是观众。audience被视为一个群体,用单数...
英语翻译1.有一些问题需要和你确认,请看下面详细的信息然后回答它.There is some question that need to confirm with you,please see the following info details athen answer it.2.确认后,这个WB日期是11.20~11.20,Jack已经
题目Four in five Australian schoolchildren want to learn first aid in class.1,000 students took part in a survey (调查).79% answered yes to the question "Would you like to have first aid training at your school?" Just 13% answered no and 8% were not sure. The ...
For each question, choose the correct answer.(1)What is Timo worried about? A.The tickets they bought for the match cost too much.B.The weather may be too bad for them to get to the match.C.They could lose the money they spent on tickets.(2)A.The journey by bus will take them ...