I am using heavily python venvs and the discovery is largely not working in this cases, especially since 2.12 I see issue with custom ansible modules not being executed with the correct interpreter set inside the playbooks this is regardless of ANSIBLE_PYTHON_INTERPRETER setting so for me 2.12...
mitogen does not log anything for the set_fact tasks:[pid 27834] 12:02:40 D mitogen: Context(10, u'ssh.env1-stage-web').call_async(<function run_module at 0x110db4aa0>, *('ansible.modules.database.postgresql.postgresql_user',), **{ARGS OMITTED}) [pid 27818] 12:02:40 D mitogen...
I managed to get it working by patchingansible/config/base.ymlwith this: ubuntu: '14': /usr/bin/python '16': /usr/bin/python3+suse:+'12': /usr/bin/python2.7+'15': /usr/bin/python3version_added: "2.8" # FUTURE: add inventory override once we're sure it can't be abused by ...
I can also see this working fine for remote hosts as long as its reading from thelocalenvironment, i.e. pushing out an environment variable thats set on my machine to a bunch of other machines that are likely configured different makes no sense, but that is not what this discussion is in...
WARNING: Package(s) not found: boto Name: boto3 Version: 1.26.76 Summary: The AWS SDK for Python Home-page: https://github.com/boto/boto3 Author: Amazon Web Services Author-email: License: Apache License 2.0 Location: /Users/username/.asdf/installs/python/3.11.2/lib/python3.11/site-pac...