Here's an awful construct from one of my playbooks. The server has a Python app, with a virtualenv at {{ venv_bin }} that already has psycopg2 installed. Rather than also install psycopg2 systemwide, I set ansible_python_interpreter to point to that virtualenv for any tasks that need ...
Those are 2 different things. The Python inansible --versionis the one Ansible itself runs under (also seeansible_playbook_interpreter), determined at installation. The FYI,connection=localwill not override interpreter discovery, this is not the same as using the implicit localhost, so for any h...
>> 配置简单、功能强大、扩展性强。 >> 支持 API 及自定义模块,可通过 Python 轻松扩展。 >> 通过 Playbooks 来定制强大的配置、状态管理。 >> 对云计算平台、大数据都有很好的支持。 二、Ansible的安装 Ansible只需在管理端部署环境即可,默认通过yum安装即可。 yuminstallansible-y 1. 2.1 Ansible配置及测试 ...
I am using heavily python venvs and the discovery is largely not working in this cases, especially since 2.12 I see issue with custom ansible modules not being executed with the correct interpreter set inside the playbooks this is regardless of ANSIBLE_PYTHON_INTERPRETER setting so for me 2.12...
If you want to set that in a shell login file so that it applies to all of your hosts (like setting an environment variable in a shell login file would do) use alias to always add that to the ansible and ansible-playbook commands: ...
Please select from the following boot commands: ansible ansible-config ansible-console ansible-doc ansible-galaxy ansible-inventory ansible-playbook ansible-pull ansible-vault You can select a boot command by setting the SCIE_BOOT environment variable or else by passing it as the 1st argument. In ...
Did something change inbetween these two releases regarding the handling of "discovered_interpreter_python"? Please run your playbook with at least-vvvand provide the full output. Feel free to restrict to just a single host and a single task that replicates the behavior. ...
Are you able to reproduce this (with some minimal reproducer playbook) if you just run it in the container, outside of AWX? If I shell into an
Setting interpreter via playbook vars works. vars: ansible_python_interpreter: "/usr/bin/env python" Contributor abadger commented Dec 12, 2016 Cool. Ther's both a workaround and a fix in the tree so I'll close this now. abadger closed this as completed Dec 12, 2016 ansible locked ...