通过上述代码,Ansible将以root身份执行shell模块中的命令。 需要注意的是,在使用become_method时,有时候需要提供特定用户的密码。可以在执行任务时使用“--ask-become-pass”选项要求用户输入密码,也可以将密码存储在ansible-vault中,以增加安全性。 此外,还可以将become_method和become_user设置为变量,以便根据不同的目...
ansible -i /etc/ansible/hosts all -m ping #all表示主机清单所有的主机 指定主机清单的某个组,如指定node组,如下所示: ansible -i /etc/ansible/hosts node -m ping #指定node组 指定主机清单的某个主机IP,如下所示: ansible -i /etc/ansible/hosts -m ping #指定主机清单里面的192.168...
[jumpbox] <HOSTNAME> ansible_ssh_host=<IP ADDRESS> ansible_become_method=su ansible_become_exe="sudo su -" into our hosts file... Worked first time. Thanks to@ntkoopmanwho suggested this. :) So unless anybody else is interested in a dedicated Ansible config for this, I'm fine with ...
As a result, when become_method=su we would return None implicitly when trying to match the prompt in check_password_prompt Fixes #23689 ISSUE TYPE Bugfix Pull Request COMPONENT NAME plugins/connection/__init__.py ANSIBLE VERSION devel ADDITIONAL INFORMATION This should also be cherry picked...
become_user=root 设置为root账户,相当于我们以普通账户登入到远程主机时,再使用su - root切换为root账户。 (3)become_method (at play or task level) overrides the default method set in ansible.cfg, set to sudo/su/pbrun/pfexec/doas/dzdo/ksu ...
ansible模块命令的执行 ansible执行的过程 先看下配置文件 vim ansible.cfg [defaults] inventory = ./hosts remote_user = devops [privilege_escalation] become=True become_method=sudo become_user=root become_ask_pass=False vim hosts ...