this can be '*' which means run: yum -y update. You can also pass a url or a local...
or url had to be installed or removed together. In1.9.2this was fixed so that packages are installedinoneyumtransaction. However,ifone of the packages adds a newyumrepository that the other packages come from (such as epel-release)thenthat package needs to be installedina separate task. This...
### 在容器中执行一遍yum update更新下源,就是更新下缓存,不需要安装软件 1. 问题2 TASK [tomcat : insert firewalld rule for tomcat http port] *** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "firewalld and its python 2 module are required for this m...
[root@Monitor ansible] # vim update_bash.yml - hosts: all remote_user: root gather_facts: True tasks: - name: update bash in redhat 6 version yum: name=http: //mirrors /centos/6 .6 /os/x86_64/Packages/bash-4 .1.2 -29.el6.x86_64.rpm.rpm state=present when: ansib...
[root@master src]# yum install -y gcc zlib-devel openssl openssl-devel pcre-devel 3、配置编译参数 [root@master src]# cd nginx-1.4.4 [root@master nginx-1.4.4]# ./configure \ --prefix=/usr/local/nginx \ --with-http_realip_module \ ...
yum: name=nginx state=installed update_cache=yes-name: start nginx service: name=nginx state=started post_tasks:- shell: echo"deploy nginx over"register: ok_var- debug: msg="{{ ok_var.stdout }}" 1、yaml文件以---开头,以表明这是一个yaml文件,就像xml文件在开头使用<?xml version="1.0" ...
yum: name=nginx state=installed update_cache=yes - name: start nginx service: name=nginx state=started post_tasks: - shell: echo "deploy nginx over" register: ok_var - debug: msg="{{ ok_var.stdout }}" yaml文件以---开头,以表明这是一个yaml文件,就像xml文件在开头使用<?xml version="1....
-hosts:test_hostsremote_user:rootvars:-package:httpd-service:httpdtasks:-name:install {{ package }}yum:name={{ package }} state=latest-name:copy configuration filecopy:src=/root/conf/httpd.conf dest=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.confnotify:-restart httpdtags:-updateConf-name:start {{ service }}...
yum update iptables #安装iptables-services yum install iptables-services 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 禁用/停止自带的firewalld服务 #停止firewalld服务 systemctl stop firewalld #禁用firewalld服务 systemctl mask firewalld 1. 2. 3.
# cat update_bash.yml - hosts: all remote_user: root gather_facts: True tasks: - name:updatebashinredhat6version yum:name= state=present ...