- `-v`:输出详细的执行过程信息。 - `-i inventory`:指定inventory文件路径。默认值为`/etc/ansible/hosts`。 - `-f`:设置并发线程数。默认值为5。 - `-k`:使用密码登录远程主机。 - `-u`:指定远程主机上执行命令的用户。 5.查看执行结果:执行Playbook后,可以查看详细的执行结果。默认情况下,结果会输出...
-v|--verbose:显示详细信息,最多可以写5个v。 1.2 ansible-playbook选项示例 1.编写主机清单文件 [root@worker232 ~]# cat /etc/ansible/hosts[k8s][1:3] [k8s:vars] ansible_ssh_password=1[root@worker232 ~]#2.查看主机列表 [root@worker232 ~]# ansible-playbook --list-hosts demo.yaml...
-v, --verbose详细 -vvv for more比详细多点 -vvvv to enable connection debugging调试模式,会输出非常多的信息,极少用,一般用debug模块调试比较多 我们现在加上“-v”再次执行一下上面的脚本看一下 #-v输出详情 [root@vm82 ansible]# ansible-playbook myYAML/system_version_ip.yml -v Using /etc/ansible...
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION INTERNAL-IP EXTERNAL-IP OS-IMAGE KERNEL-VERSION CONTAINER-RUNTIME master01 Ready <none> 6m55s v1.28.1 <none> CentOS Linux 7 (Core) 3.10.0-1160.71.1.el7.x86_64 containerd://1.7.2 master02 Ready <none> 4m16s v1.28.1 <none> CentOS...
tidb-ansible-v3.0.0集群部署,初始化系统环境,ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml执行到TASK [machine_benchmark : get fio randread iops] 时报错--ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded。 请问这个报错是什么意思?如何才能避免这个报错。 之前在部署tidb-2.1.5和tidb-2.1.6都遇到同样的问题,当时通过注释掉...
{K8S_VIP_PORT}" # RUNTIME_CONFIG v1.16 版本设置 低于v1.16 RUNTIME_CONFIG="api/all=true" 即可 RUNTIME_CONFIG="api/all=true" #开启插件enable-admission-plugins #AlwaysPullImages 启用istio 不能自动注入需要手动执行注入 ENABLE_ADMISSION_PLUGINS="DefaultStorageClass,DefaultTolerationSeconds,LimitRanger,...
I'm hoping by now you can see Ansible is an easy way to control applications and system configurations remotely. But running each command in the command line is not the most efficient way of deploying these changes to our environments. This is where we can introduce playbooks . Ansible ...
#.github/workflows/ansible-lint.ymlname:ansible-linton:pull_request:branches:["main", "stable", "release/v*"]jobs:build:name:Ansible Lint#Naming the build is important to use it as a status checkruns-on:ubuntu-24.04steps: -uses:actions/checkout@v4-name:Run ansible-lintuses:ansible/ansible...
Running the following upgrade playbook to update from v3.7.23 to v3.7.42. Raw ansible-playbook /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_7/upgrade.yml It fails with the following error message:
$ ansible all -m shell -a "uptime" -v # LEVEL 1 $ ansible all -m shell -a "uptime" -vv # LEVEL 2 $ ansible all -m shell -a "uptime" -vvv # LEVEL 3 $ ansible all -m shell -a "uptime" -vvvv # LEVEL 4 When you run the playbook you can set the verbosity level for a...