这句命令的作用是列出可用的 Ansible 执行环境镜像。Ansible 执行环境是一种容器化的 Ansible 运行时,可以包含 Ansible 本身以及所需的依赖和集合。ansible-navigator images 命令可以显示本地和远程的执行环境镜像,以及它们的名称、大小、标签和来源。ansible-navigator 是一个基于文本的用户界面,提供了对 Ansible 功能...
Review execution environment images available locally: ansible-navigator images Review and explore an inventory: ansible-navigator inventory -i inventory.yaml Run and explore a playbook: ansible-navigator run site.yaml -i inventory.yaml Or using the stdout mode described above: Show the current Ansible...
images workflows CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md CONTRIBUTING.md SECURITY.md chronographer.yml dependabot.yml release-drafter.yml .vscode docs licenses src tests .darglint .envrc .flake8 .git_archival.txt .gitattributes .gitignore .markdownlint.yaml .pre-commit-config.yaml .prettierignore .prettierrc.yml ....
Exploring the local environment Each project can have its own navigator configuration (ansible-navigator.yml). Common configuration parameters can be names of execution environment images required for the project, Ansible configuration parameters such as forks, log levels, artifact creation, etc. By c...
Each project can have its own navigator configuration (ansible-navigator.yml). Common configuration parameters can be names of execution environment images required for the project, Ansible configuration parameters such as forks, log levels, artifact creation, etc. By configuring the content navigator on...
Each project can have its own navigator configuration (ansible-navigator.yml). Common configuration parameters can be names of execution environment images required for the project, Ansible configuration parameters such as forks, log levels, artifact creation, etc. By configuring the content navigator on...
Each project can have its own navigator configuration (ansible-navigator.yml). Common configuration parameters can be names of execution environment images required for the project, Ansible configuration parameters such as forks, log levels, artifact creation, etc. By configuring the content navigator on...
Each project can have its own navigator configuration (ansible-navigator.yml). Common configuration parameters can be names of execution environment images required for the project, Ansible configuration parameters such as forks, log levels, artifact creation, etc. By configuring the content navigator on...