- hosts: database remote_user: root gather_facts: true tasks: - name: pp shell: | echo aaaaa ech bbbb ignore_errors: true - debug: msg="{{ ansible_distribution }}" - block: - name: aa command: echo aa - name: bb shell: echo bb when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" - hosts:...
init_ubuntu.yaml -name:系统时间12小时转为24小时制lineinfile:path:/etc/default/localeline:LC_TIME=en_DK.UTF-8-name:设置主机名称hostname:name:"{{ hostname }}"-name:修改密码过期时间lineinfile:path:/etc/login.defsregexp:'^{{ item.name }}'line:"{{ item.name }} {{ item.value }}"wit...
【摘要】 ansible init system centos 6 init system ansible init system centos 6 init system--- - hosts: test tasks: - name: Import remi GPG rpm_key: "key={{ item }} state=present" wi... ansible init system centos 6 init system ansible init system centos 6 init system ---hosts:test...
In theansible best practicesthe inventory file is calledproduction. I chose to follow this convention for the inventory ofansible-inititself. If you prefer a different name for theansible-initinventory (likeinventory), just change the name of the file and run theansible-playbookwith-i inventoryin...
可以通过Ansible使用start init.d服务。Ansible是一种自动化工具,可以用于配置和管理计算机系统。它支持通过SSH协议远程管理服务器,并提供了丰富的模块来执行各种操作。 在使用Ansible时,可以使用"service"模块来管理init.d服务。"service"模块可以启动、停止、重启和重新加载服务。它可以接受服务名称作为参数,并使用适当的...
ansible-config init --disabled > /path/to/your/ansible.cfg 环境变量:确保在执行该命令时,没有设置 ANSIBLE_CONFIG 环境变量,否则该命令可能会生成到指定的配置文件路径,而不是当前目录。 配置文件优先级:Ansible 在执行时,会按照特定的顺序查找并读取配置文件。如果你使用 --disabled 选项生成了配置文件,...
class Inventory(object): """ Host inventory for ansible. """ __slots__ = [ 'host_list', 'groups', '_restriction', '_also_restriction', '_subset', 'parser', '_vars_per_host', '_vars_per_group', '_hosts_cache', '_groups_list', '_pattern_cache', '_vault_password', '_vars...
ansible will read ANSIBLE_CONFIG, # ansible.cfg in the current working directory, .ansible.cfg in # the home directory or /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg, whichever it # finds first [defaults] # some basic default values... #inventory = /etc/ansible/hosts #library = /usr/share/my_...
If Ansible's service module detects that it's being run on a linux system which uses systemd for init, then it will usesystemctlfor everything, regardless. Theauditd.servicerefuses manual stops via systemd, using this setting in its unit file:RefuseManualStop=yes, so you need to useservice...
SUMMARY Unable to init swarm with docker_swarm module: TypeError: init_swarm() got an unexpected keyword argument 'data_path_addr' ISSUE TYPE Bug Report COMPONENT NAME community.docker.docker_swarm ANSIBLE VERSION ansible [core 2.15.4] c...