ansible-galaxy collection install prometheus.prometheus:0.23.0 方式二:通过 github 源码仓库安装 >_ ansible-galaxy collection install git+ into '/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-143093dqnngbq4/tmpmhi9qxg0/ansible9uq0qwat'... remote: Enumerat...
ansible-galaxy collection install community.docker --force: ansible-galaxy:这是 Ansible 提供的一个命令行工具,用于管理角色和集合。 collection install:这是ansible-galaxy的一个子命令,用于安装集合。 community.docker:这是要安装的集合的名称。这个集合包含与 Docker 相关的模块和插件。 --force:这是一个选项,...
执行命令 ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix: 在终端或命令行界面中,输入并执行以下命令来安装 ansible.posix 集合: bash ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix 如果Ansible 已正确安装且版本支持该命令,你应该会看到安装过程中的一些输出信息,最终确认集合已成功安装。 总结: ansible-galaxy ...
ansible-galaxy collection install nginxinc.nginx_core -p . #-p . 指定下载目录 #执行输出参考 [root@e5e40c15e020 data]# ansible-galaxy collection install nginxinc.nginx_core -p . [WARNING]: The specified collections path '/data' is not part of the configured Ansible collections paths '/root...
ansible-galaxy-collection 命令實現了以下命令。 一些命令與 ansible-galaxy 使用的相同,例如: init: 它基於 Ansible 中包含的預設範本或您自己的範本創建一個基本集合 Skeleton。構建: 它建立了一個可以上傳到星系或您自己的儲存庫的集合工件。發佈: 它向星系發佈了一個構建的連接工件。安裝: 安裝一個或多個連接...
ansible-galaxy collection install namespace.collection --signature --signature file:///path/to/local/detached_signature.asc --keyring ~/.ansible/pubring.kbx Copy 您...
ansible-galaxy collection install $(ls -1 | grep ibm-blockchain_platform) -f Using a Docker container. For v1.2, a Docker image,ibmcom/ibp-ansible, has been published to Docker Hub. You can run a playbook using this Docker image, by volume mounting the playbook into the Docker container...
SUMMARY I have a collection that contains two roles. I have installed the collection from a private GitHub repo using ansible-galaxy via a requirements.yml file. I have a playbook that calls the collection, the two roles from the collect...
collection download Download collections and their dependencies as a tarball for an offline install. --clear-response-cache Clear the existing server response cache. --no-cache Do not use the server response cache. --pre
SUMMARY Ansible galaxy collection installation in command line fails when parameter is an URL. ansible-galaxy collection install Process install dependency ...