tasks: - command: /bin/false register: result ignore_errors: True - command: /bin/something when: result|failed - command: /bin/something_else when: result|success - command: /bin/still/something_else when: result|skipped 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 示例:通过when语句完善上...
- `--ignore-errors`:在执行过程中忽略错误,继续执行后续任务。 - `--force-handlers`:强制执行任务处理程序,即使任务失败。 7.幕间等待参数 - `--async`:指定任务异步执行的时间。例如:`--async 300`表示将任务异步执行,并设置超时时间为300秒。 - `--poll`:指定等待任务完成的时间间隔。例如:`--poll 10...
ignore_errors: true loop: name: task1 retries: 3 name: task2 retries: 5 loop_control: loop_var: item index_var: myindex label: "{{ item.name }}" 在这个示例中,循环控制语句定义了循环变量item、索引变量myindex和任务名称的标签。 总结: 循环语句是Ansible中非常有用的功能之一,它可以帮助我们更...
通过`ignore_errors`参数设置为true,即使命令执行失败,Ansible仍会继续执行后续的任务。 为了检查任务执行的结果,我们可以使用`result.changed`来确定任务是否发生了变化。如果任务执行成功,我们可以通过`result.stdout`来获取任务的标准输出。 - name: Print the command output debug: msg: "{{ result.stdout }}" ...
warn: Boolean value that specifies whether to ignore non-zero return codes executable: Command to run the script, using the /bin/sh shell by default chdir: Directory to change into and run the command creates: Path to a file that should not exist, and that will be created before running ...
- name: Example playbook hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Execute a command with error command: /usr/bin/command register: cmd_result ignore_errors: true failed_when: cmd_result.rc > 1 - name: Print error debug: msg: "{{ cmd_result.stderr }}" when: cmd_result.stderr is defined fai...
Disable swapansible.builtin.shell:swapoff-aregister:swap_offignore_errors:true-name:Disable swap on start-upansible.builtin.shell:sed-i '/ swap / s/^/#/' /etc/fstabregister:swap_off_startupignore_errors:true-name:Ensure kubelet starts without swapansible.builtin.copy:dest:/etc/default/kube...