- name: Install Windows updates community.windows.win_updates: category_names: - SecurityUpdates - CriticalUpdates - UpdateRollups register: updates_result - name: Reboot if updates are installed win_reboot: when: updates_result.reboot_required ``` 在这个Playbook文件中,指定了要更新的补丁种类为Secur...
然而,使用Ansible可以让管理员更轻松地进行Windows服务器更新,并实现快速、可靠的部署。 Win+updates+ansible是指在Windows系统上使用Ansible工具来进行更新操作。Ansible通过SSH或WinRM协议实现与Windows服务器的通信,将管理员从繁琐的手动操作中解放出来,提高了工作效率。通过Ansible的playbooks和roles,管理员可以轻松地编写...
If set,win_updateswill append update progress to the specified file. The directory must already exist. reboot boolean Ansible will automatically reboot the remote host if it is required and continue to install updates after the reboot. This can be used instead of using aansible.windows.win_reboo...
SUMMARY Received error message while using ansible.windows.win_updates. Ansible 1.13.0. ISSUE TYPE Bug Report COMPONENT NAME ANSIBLE VERSION Ansible 2.15.0 COLLECTION VERSION Ansible.windows 1.14.0 CONFIGURATION OS / ENVIRONMENT windows ...
From @autogun on September 19, 2016 13:44 ISSUE TYPE Bug Report COMPONENT NAME win_updates ANSIBLE VERSION ansible config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg configured module search path = Default w/o overrides CONFIGURATION OS / EN...
win_timezone - Sets Windows machine timezone win_toast - Sends Toast windows notification to logged in users on Windows 10 or later hosts win_unzip - Unzips compressed files and archives on the Windows node win_updates - Download and install Windows updates ...
-name:Run Updates on App Servers and wait 10 minshosts:appserversconnection:winrmtasks:win_updates:category_names:-CriticalUpdates-DefinitionUpdates-SecurityUpdates-Updateswhitelist:-KB4022723reboot:yesreboot_timeout:600 Finally, the last group is set to receive only critical and security updates. The...
自己看吧,好多我也没用过,还不知道怎么用呢,如果有使用过的,或者研究了的同志可以评论分享一下。 但是后来我发现ansible支持打补丁的命令 ansible windows -m win_updates 具体的呢,可以看官网介绍: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/list_of_windows_modules.html 未完待续!!!
-name:Run Updates on App Servers and wait 10 minshosts:appserversconnection:winrmtasks:win_updates:category_names:-CriticalUpdates-DefinitionUpdates-SecurityUpdates-Updateswhitelist:-KB4022723reboot:yesreboot_timeout:600 Finally, the last group is set to receive only critical and security updates. The...
win_shell module –Execute shell commands on target hosts win_stat module –Get information about Windows files win_tempfile module –Creates temporary files and directories win_template module –Template a file out to a remote server win_updates module –Download and install Windows updates win_ur...