There is a YAML syntax error if you try to enter a colon followed by a space (": ") inside any string (doesn't seem to matter what if before or after). $ cat _test.yml --- - hosts: all tasks: - debug: msg="foo: bar" In Ansible 1.2 develo...
When True, this causes ansible templating to fail steps that reference variable names that are likely typoed. Otherwise, any ‘{{ template_expression }}’ that contains undefined variables will be rendered in a template or ansible action line exactly as written. Type: boolean Default: True ...
variables at the command line using the--extra-vars(or-e) argument. You can also request user input with avars_prompt(seeInteractive input: prompts). When you pass variables at the command line, use a single quoted string, that contains one or more variables, in one of the formats below...
TASK [win_powershell : install powershell] *** [WARNING]: when statements should not include jinja2 templating delimiters such as {{ }} or {% %}. Found: {{ ansible_PSVersionTable.Major|int < 5 }} tersmitten, okelet, asdewec, nordicdyno, arm4b, ...
---hosts:localhosttasks:-name:check the system capacityshell:df -h /when:some_variable in 'a string'roles:-{role:mid_nagios_probe,when:allow_nagios_probes}... ansible - tags, limit You should know about a way to increase efficiency by this simple functionality TAGS...
content: # When used instead of `src', sets the contents of a file directly to the specified value. Works only when `dest' is a file. Creates the file if it does not exist. For advanced formatting or if `content' contains a variable, use the [template] module. decrypt: # This opti...
playbook是由一个或多个play组成的列表,play的主要功能在于将事先归并为一组的主机装扮成事先通过Ansible中的tasks定义好的角色(play的内容被称为tasks,即任务),从根本上来讲所谓tasks无非是调用Ansible的一个module,将多个play组织在一个playbook中即可以让它们联同起来按事先编排的机制一同工作. ...
The roles parameter applies the previously installed Datadog role that contains the necessary modules to download and install the Datadog Agent on your managed hosts. Copy roles: - { role: datadog.datadog} Under the vars parameter, you’ll need to insert your Datadog API key, which you can ...
Added two new variables, which are set when the rescue portion of a block is started: ansible_failed_task, which contains the serialized version of the failed task. ansible_failed_result, which contains the result of the failed task. New meta action, meta: clear_host_errors which will cle...
Added two new variables, which are set when the rescue portion of a block is started: ansible_failed_task, which contains the serialized version of the failed task. ansible_failed_result, which contains the result of the failed task. New meta action, meta: clear_host_errors which will cle...