Ansible—the open source automation project and community—is at the core of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, but there are many differences between the project and the product.
ansible inventor 复杂定义 ansible automation Ansible介绍Ansible是个什么东西呢?官方的title是“Ansible is Simple IT Automation”——简单的自动化IT工具。ansible基于Python开发,集合了众多运维工具(puppet、cfengine、chef、func、fabric)的优点,实现了批量系统配置、批量程序部署、批量运行命令等功能。Ansible和目前市面...
关于两者之间的区别可以看看: 在这里插入图片描述 虽然有AWX是Tower的上游版本,但Ansible Automation Platform严格来说是企业生产,只能通过 Red Hat 订阅获得。 AWX和Tower的区别:
ansible inventor 复杂定义 ansible automation Ansible介绍 Ansible是个什么东西呢?官方的title是“Ansible is Simple IT Automation”——简单的自动化IT工具。ansible基于Python开发,集合了众多运维工具(puppet、cfengine、chef、func、fabric)的优点,实现了批量系统配置、批量程序部署、批量运行命令等功能。Ansible和目前市...
Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy and maintain. Automate everything from code deployment to network configuration to cloud management, in a language that approaches plain Englis
Ansible 是一款开源配置和自动化工具,用于管理和维护您的 IT 基础架构。 我们已经介绍了一些可用于管理 Linux 服务器和 PC 的整个生命周期(从安装操作系统到管理软件和服务)的最突出工…
You already know the benefits of upstream Ansible tools. But if your organization is ready to take automation to the next level, it's time to consider Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform. It delivers more capabilities-like event-driven automation and generative AI-that reduce manual effort and ...
Ansible automation developer tools. Contribute to ansible/ansible-dev-tools development by creating an account on GitHub.
Understand the fundamentals of Ansible automationInstall the Ansible packageRun your first ad hoc command in a few easy steps Users Start writing Ansible playbooksLearn about Ansible modulesBuild inventory files to manage multiple hosts Continue the Ansible user journey ...
自Ansible 2.9 开始,提供了一个被红帽完全支持的 Ansible Content Collection 子系统,以下认证内容使用此打包格式并通过 Ansible Automation Hub 分发。 认证内容可以从两个不同的位置下载并安装: Ansible Automation Hub Ansible 2.9 及更新版本,包含集合(Collection)格式的版本 旧的Ansible 发行版本 Ansible 2.9 和更...