- debug: var=hostvars[inventory_hostname] 与inventory_hostname相近的还有一个inventory_hostname_short,如果一台主机的inventory_hostname为server1.exmaple.com,则inventory_hostname_short的值为server1 3、group_names 用于标识当前正在执行task的目标主机位于的主机组。假如我们有三台主机,用来配置成一主二从的...
如上例所示,我们使用"vars_prompt"关键字创建了两个变量,这两个变量的名称分别为"your_name" 和 "your_age",当运行上例playbook时,会出现 "What is your name"的提示信息,然后用户输入的信息会存入到"your_name"变量中,之后,会出现 "How old are you"的提示信息,用户输入的信息会存入到"your_age"变量中,...
= -1下面是一个register的变量在循环中使用的例子:- name: registered variable usage as a with_items list hosts: all tasks: - name: retrieve the list of home directories command: ls /home register: home_dirs - name: add home dirs to the backup spooler file: path=/mnt/bkspool/{{ item }...
ansible all -i localhost, -m debug -a “msg=‘user is {{ name }}, type is {{ type }}’” -e @a.json # cat a.yml — name: qfedu type: school … # ansible all -i localhost, -m debug -a “msg=‘name is {{ name }}, type is {{ type }}’” -e @a.yml 2、剧本变...
#var.ymlcreate:directory:Lovefilename:Ansible.shcontext:"insert file a talk about \b \t \n"#建议对于字符串一定要添加双引号,可使用转义字符;# variable.yml---hosts:localremote_user:rootvars:#关键点1-直接在play文件中定义变量-dirRoot:/tmp/vars_files:#关键点2-包含外部设定的变量文件-/root/var...
-name: task1 file: path: /testdir/{{ testvar1 }} state:touch 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 当我们需要使用testvar1的变量值时,则需要引用这个变量,如你所见,使用”{{变量名}}”可以引用对应的变量。 也可以定义多个变量,示例如下。
"user": "VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED!" } 3.2 主机组变量 以下资产中,定义了一个组变量home ,此变量将针对web_servers 这个主机组中的所有服务器有效 # cat hostsandgroupvars [web_servers] user=lilei [web_servers:vars]
Variable: ANSIBLE_COLOR_DOC_LINK COLOR_DOC_MODULE Description: Defines the color to use when emitting a module name in the ansible-doc output. Default: yellow Version Added: 2.18 Ini: Section: [colors] Key: doc_module Environment: Variable: ANSIBLE_COLOR_DOC_MODULE COLOR_DOC_PLUG...
of a task to a variable. In most cases, the task to be executed on the remote host is usually defined by theshellorcommandmodule. Once the register module captures the output, it is referenced in different scenarios, for example, in conditional statements or, printing the output to stdout....
tasks:-name:registervariable command:ls/mntregister:ls_result-name:printregistervariable debug:msg:"this directory includes {{ls_result.stdout_lines|length}} items"when:ls_result.stdout!="" 执行结果如下。其他字段可以根据实际情况进行判断。