Ansible community documentation Ansible offers open-source automation that is simple, flexible, and powerful. Got thoughts or feedback on this site? We want to hear from you! Join us in theAnsible Forumor open aGitHub issuein the docsite repository....
The Ansible Tower API Reference Manual provides in-depth documentation for Tower’s REST API, including examples on how to integrate with it.Versioning GET/api/ List supported API versions GET/api/v2/ List top level resources Authentication GET/api/o/ Token Handling using OAuth2 GET/api/...
[carol@tower1: ~]$ tower-cli organization associate_ig--organizationdevelopment --instance-group alice OK.(changed:true)[carol@tower1: ~]$ tower-cli organization associate_ig--organizationtesting --instance-group bob OK.(changed:true)[carol@tower1: ~]$ tower-cli organization associate_ig--org...
设置Ansible Tower 任务(技术预览) 先决条件 安装 Ansible Automation Platform Resource Operator: 获取 Ansible Tower URL 和令牌 获取令牌 Ansible 集成 Ansible Operator 组件 Ansible Operator 组件 ...
apiVersion: kind: AnsibleJob metadata: name: hive-cluster-gitrepo spec: tower_auth_secret: my-toweraccess job_template_name: my-tower-template-name extra_vars: variable1: value1 variable2: value2 使用访问您的 Ansible Tower 所需的验...
Tower允许对用户进行权限控制,即使某用户不能传送某SSH凭证,你也可以通过Tower来对该用户共享该凭证。我们可以通过图形化界面来管理Inventory,也可以对各种各样的云资源做同步。Tower可以记录所有job的日志,也可以与LDAP集成,并且拥有强大的可浏览的REST API。Tower也提供了命令行工具,可以与Jenkins轻松集成。Provisioning回...
AWX CLI Ansible Tower 3.8.6 documentation-196页 上传者:weixin_40191861时间:2023-05-18 Openshift-AnsibleTower:要部署的个人说明配置OCP 4.3 OCS 4.3 Ansible塔HashiVault等 Openshift-AnsibleTower:要部署的个人说明配置OCP 4.3 OCS 4.3 Ansible塔HashiVault等 ...
Ansible Tower是使用Ansible playbook来部署的,首先需要配置一下inventory,配置内容如下: [tower] localhost ansible_connection=local [database] [all:vars] admin_password='AdminPassword' pg_host='' pg_port='' pg_database='awx' pg_username='awx' ...
Note:You can run a project revision on a non-scm project. This will not raise an error to Jenkins as the Tower API will allow this to happen. Note:Tower will auto sync the project on the change of the revision. Therefore calling Ansible Tower Project Sync in a job after the update is...
Ansible Tower是使用Ansible playbook来部署的,首先需要配置一下inventory,配置内容如下: [tower] localhost ansible_connection=local [database] [all:vars] admin_password='AdminPassword' pg_host='' pg_port='' pg_database='awx' pg_username='awx' ...