filetree – recursively match all files in a directory tree Can the templates module handle multiple templates / directories? Ho...
3.2 Ansible template with_items for multiple files -hosts:loctasks:-name:Ansible template with_items example.template:src:"{{ item.src }}"dest:"{{ item.dest }}"mode:0777with_items:-{src:'ex.j2',dest:'/home/dnpjose/ex_rew1.txt'}-{src:'ex2.j2',dest:'/home/dnpjose/ex_rew2.txt...
dest: # The file name of the destination archive. This is required when `path' refers to multiple files by either specifying a glob, a directory or multiple paths in a list. exclude_path: # Remote absolute path, glob, or list of paths or globs for the file or files to exclude from ...
- hosts: alltasks:- name: Copy multiple files in Ansible with different permissionscopy:src: "{{ item.src }}"dest: "{{ item.dest }}"mode: "{{ item.mode }}"with_items:- { src: '/home/mdtutorials2/test1',dest: '/tmp/devops_system1', mode: '0777'}- { src: '/home/mdtutor...
-hosts:blockstasks:-name:Ansible copy multiple files with_itemscopy:src:~/{{item}}dest:/tmpmode:0774with_items:['hello1','hello2','hello3','sub_folder/hello4'] 复制具有不同权限/目的地设置的多个文件 在上述任务中,我们正在复制多个文件,但是所有文件都具有相同的权限和相同的目的地。但是有时我...
Now you’ve seen how to use Ansible to create multiple files on your target host using templates. Remember that templates allow you to create files on the server dynamically, using the contents of variables. So you don’t have to create a bunch of files with hard-coded paths and settings...
template: src: motd # 这里的文件,自动到templates目录下查找 dest: /etc/motd # 5. 创建playbook,调用motd角色 [root@pubserver ansible]# vim role_motd.yml --- - name: modify motd with role hosts: webservers roles: - motd # 6. 执行playbook ...
This option preserves variable types during template operations. Type: boolean Default: False Version Added: 2.7 Ini: Section: [defaults] Key: jinja2_native Environment: Variable: ANSIBLE_JINJA2_NATIVE DEFAULT_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES Description: Enables/disables the cleaning up of the temporary...
-name:Configure nginxtemplate:src=nginx.conf dest=/etc/nginx/sites-available/{{}}with_items:applicationsnotify:-restart php5-fpm-restart nginx 虽然我们已经到了这一步,但我们还将增加上面提到的两个任务。首先,我们将告诉Nginx我们的新站点配置文件。这是通过在/var/nginx/中的sites-available和si...
We want multiple organizations to be able to efficiently develop security content. By taking advantage of the powerful build system of this project, we avoid as much redundancy as possible. The build system combines the easy-to-edit YAML rule files with OVAL checks, Ansible task snippets, Bash...