"module_stdout": "sudo: a password is required\r\n", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE\nSee stdout/stderr for the exact error", "rc": 1 } [WARNING]: Consider using 'become', 'become_method', and 'become_user' rather than running sudo 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 解决...
ansible_ssh_pass #ssh连接时的密码 ansible_sudo_pass #使用sudo连接用户时的密码 ansible_sudo_exec #如果sudo命令不在默认路径,需要指定sudo命令路径 ansible_ssh_private_key_file #秘钥文件路径,秘钥文件如果不想使用ssh-agent管理时可以使用此选项 ansible_shell_type #目标系统的shell的类型,默认sh ansible_con...
#1.官网安装方式(要有梯子)$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install software-properties-common $ sudo apt-add-repository--yes--update ppa:ansible/ansible $ sudo apt install ansible #2.我们将使用默认的Ubuntu存储库安装(版本可能非最新) sudo apt update # 首先使用以下命令刷新系统的软件包索引完成此更新...
When False``(default), Ansible will skip using become if the remote user is the same as the become user, as this is normally a redundant operation. In other words root sudo to root. If ``True, this forces Ansible to use the become plugin anyways as there are cases in which this is...
inventory = /etc/ansible/hosts#这个参数表示资源清单inventory文件的位置library = /usr/share/ansible#指向存放Ansible模块的目录,支持多个目录方式,只要用冒号(:)隔开就可以forks =5#并发连接数,默认为5sudo_user = root#设置默认执行命令的用户remote_port =22#指定连接被管节点的管理端口,默认为22端口,建议修改...
-s, --sudo: 相当于linux系统下的sudo命令。 -usudo_username, --sudo-user=sudo_username: 使用sudo, 相当于linux系统下的sudo命令。 -C, --check: 只检查不实际执行。 -e, 即extra_vars: 引用外部参数。 -i, 即inventory: 指定仓库列表, 默认/etc/ansible/hosts。
单位秒 sudo_user = root #被控端默认执行sudo命令所切换的用户 ask_sudo_pass = True #每次执行sudo命令时是否询问sudo到目标用户的密码 ask_pass = True #每次执行ansible命令是否询问ssh密码 transport = smart #通信机制 remote_port = 22 #远程连接被控端的ssh端口 module_lang = C #模块和系统之间通信...
=> {"changed": false, "failed": true, "module_stderr": "sudo: a password is required\n", "module_stdout": "", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE", "parsed": false} [ERROR]: Could not create retry file './ssh/retry/redis-all.retry'. The error was: [Errno 2] No such file or director...
[vagrant@amgr ~]$ sudo yum install ansible To check that Ansible has been properly installed, let’s run the following command. Code Listing17: Checking the Ansible version [vagrant@amgr ~]$ ansible --version The result returned should be similar to what is shown in Figure 13. You can se...
TheREMOTE_USER(as specified in--user) is granted privilege to run the command: Raw [jane@server1] $ sudo -l User jane may run the following commands on server1: (bob) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/whoami The user is able to run the command directly without supplying a password: ...