"stderr_lines": [ "Shared connection to closed." ], "stdout": "+++++LIBIN系统基本运行情况检查+++++\r\n\r\n\u001b[32m---\u001b[1m\r\n当前时间: 2022-09-25-23:25:41\r\nIP地址:\r\n运行时长: 4:54\r\n系统当前负载: Current Load: 0.00\r\n\...
debug - formated stdout/stderr display default - default Ansible screen output dense - minimal stdout output foreman - Sends events to Foreman full_skip - suppresses tasks if all hosts skipped hipchat - post task events to hipchat jabber - post task events to a jabber server json - Ansible s...
所以这是我目前的攻略 --- gather_facts: no - name: Show Interface Status commands: register: out - debug: var=out.stdout_lines 我基本上想要使用这个脚本,然后禁用所有处于"notconnect“状态的端口,这意味着所有没有连接到它们的端口。有没有办法给它添加一个" when“语句,这样当"sho 浏览27提问于2020...
- name: starting nessus scan "{{ scan_id }}" using autoNessus command: "autoNessus -sS {{ scan_id }}" register: start_scan_output - debug: msg: "{{ start_scan_output.stdout_lines }}" 启动后,Ansible 输出返回扫描状态 同样,我们可以执行暂停、恢复、停止、列出策略等操作。 使用 AutoNes...
[root@k81 an]# cat register1.yaml--- hosts: centostasks:- name: Get port listen infoshell: netstat -lntpregister: Ports- name: Debugdebug:msg: # 下面是将变量格式化一下,否则会输出很多东西很乱- "执行的命令为: {{ Ports.cmd }}"- "输出的结果为: "- " {{ Ports.stdout_lines }}"#...
{ systemctl_status_redis.stdout_lines }}" handlers: - name: Restart redis server systemd: name: redis state: restarted 3.安装NFS (配置文件,创建目录,客户端挂载) 变量服务端剧本: [root@manager project1]# cat nfs_server.yml - hosts: nfs vars_files: ./vars_file.yml tasks: - name: ...
Data Collection hosts: all tasks: - name: List all users shell: "cat /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print $1}'" register: users - lineinfile: dest: /tmp/users.csv create: yes line: "{{ inventory_hostname}}, {{ item }}" loop: "{{ users.stdout_lines }}" delegate_to: localhost ...
order_by * 中的情况。最后一个示例也适用于 * order_by * 中列的子集。完整的测试行动手册示例 ...
"This operation will perform a server restart. Are you sure you wish to continue?", "(y/n): " ] } Solution: The command responds with 2 lines stdout_lines": [ "This operation will perform a server restart. Are you sure you wish to continue?", ...