手动加入 ansible ssh host变量,根据情况是否添加ansible_connection=local。 具体改成 ansible_become_method=sudo ansible_become_user=root ansible_become_pass= [deploy_check] [fate] ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_host= ansibl...
# uncomment this to disable SSH key host checking #host_key_checking = False 检查主机密钥 # change this for alternative sudo implementations sudo_exe = sudo 如果在其他远程主机上使用另一种方式执sudu操作.可以使用该参数进行更换 # what flags to pass to sudo 传递sudo之外的参数 #sudo_flags = -H...
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s)to be installed:"/home/zhuchenghai/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"The authenticity of host' ('can't be established.ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:L+9r1co6gUbiX5K8xCz9//AZYEutgKCHzRAj5fCJsc8.Are you sure you want to continue...
=> {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.\r\nPermission denied (publickey,password).\r\n", "unreachable": true} to retry, use: ...
#record_host_keys=False # by default, Ansible requests a pseudo-terminal for commands executed under sudo. Uncomment this # line to disable this behaviour. #pty=False # paramiko will default to looking for SSH keys initially when trying to # authenticate to remote devices. This is a problem...
ansible系列4-关闭ssh首次连接时提示 在ansible配置文件中找到 /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg 方法1 在配置文件中找到 了解到问题原因为,我们了解到进行ssh连接时,可以使用-o参数将StrictHostKeyChecking设置为no,使用ssh连接时避免首次连接时让输入yes/no部分的提示。通过查看ansible.cfg配置文件,发现如下行:...
There is also a (DEPRECATED) special ‘smart’ option, that will toggle between ‘ssh’ and ‘paramiko’ depending on controller OS and ssh versions. Default: ssh Ini: Section: [defaults] Key: transport Environment: Variable: ANSIBLE_TRANSPORT DEFAULT_UNDEFINED_VAR_BEHAVIOR Description:...
SSH into a device (in order to ensure it is in known hosts) Run a playbook against it such as ansible-playbook -i inventory.network -u vyos -k vyos.yaml -e limit_to=vyos_command Delete the entry for the host from known_hosts Wait 30 seconds (for the previous connection to die) Run...
ansible要求中控机对被控机可以单向ssh信任,建立ssh信任的过程本文中不再赘述,仅作为注意事项。 这一切完成之后,我们可以执行这个命令测试一下连通性: ansible -m ping host_131 结果返回SUCESS标记则表示一切配置成功,可以进行自动化部署了。 本项目中基本的配置是config.yaml,在最高一级目录下存放,后文提及config....
22 TCP SSH 入站和出站 ansible_port 安装 443 TCP HTTPS 入站 nginx_https_port 访问Service Catalog 用户界面 5432 TCP PostgreSQL 入站和出站 pg_port 仅在使用内部数据库时打开。否则,不应该打开此端口 表1.10. Red Hat Insights for Red Hat Ansibl...