These headers will contain the name: field from the task if you specified one. If you didn’t then ansible-playbook uses the task’s action to help you tell which task is presently running. Sometimes you run many of the same action and so you want more information about the task to ...
从上面输出内容可以看出,当 nginxrunning.stat.exists 的值是 true 就表示 /var/run/ 存在且为文件,就代表 Nginx 正常运行,反之 false 是未运行。 · 示例三最终 Playbook --- - name: task control playbook example hosts: wpf002 tasks: - name: yum install nginx yum: name=nginx state=insta...
# by default, ansible-playbook will display "Skipping [host]" if it determines a task # should not be run on a host. Set this to "False" if you don't want to see these "Skipping" # messages. NOTE: the task header will still be shown regardless of whether or not the # task is ...
1.对一个task打一个标签2.对一个task打多个标签3.对多个task打一个标签 3.标签配置 #对一个task打一个标签-name: Config Nginx Server copy: src:"{{ item.src }}"dest:"{{ item.dest }}"with_items:- { src:"/root/nginx.conf", dest:"/etc/nginx/"}- { src:"/root/wordpress.conf", des...
If not, please refer to the Installation section for instructions. To create an application that launches the ansible-playbook command you need to create an AnsiblePlaybookCmd struct. This struct generates the Ansible command to be run. Then, you need to execute the command using an executor](...
Command to run that returns a unique string indicating the last time the system was booted. Setting this to a command that has different output each time it is run will cause the task to fail. Default:"(Get-CimInstance-ClassNameWin32_OperatingSystem-PropertyLastBootUpTime).LastBootUpTime.ToFileT...
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO:1key(s) remaintobe installed --ifyou are prompted now itistoinstall thenewkeys root@'s password: #输入密码 Numberofkey(s) added:1 Nowtryloggingintothe machine,with:"ssh 'root@'" ...
- name: Run post-installation basic MDE test hosts: myhosts tasks: - name: Check health ansible.builtin.command: mdatp health --field healthy register: health_status - name: MDE health test failed fail: msg="MDE is not healthy. health status => \n{{ health_status.stdout }...
- name: Run a command command: "date +%H" register: current_hour - name: Perform action based on time debug: msg: "Good {{ 'morning' if current_hour.stdout|int < 12 else 'afternoon' }}" In this example, the playbook is namedUsing Conditionals. Further, the first task of this play...