forks=5#并发连接数,默认为5sudo_user=root #设置默认执行命令的用户 remote_port=22#指定连接被管节点的管理端口,默认为22端口,建议修改,能够更加安全 host_key_checking=False #设置是否检查SSH主机的密钥,值为True/False。关闭后第一次连接不会提示配置实例 timeout=60#设置SSH连接的超时时间,单位为秒 log_pa...
- name: Run an executable and send data to the stdin for the executable win_command: powershell.exe args: stdin: Write-Host test3.3、win_shell — 在节点执行口令与win_command 不同的是,支持管道符,用powershell和cmd可以执行的命令,均可以批量执行eg: ansible winserver -m win_shell -a "ipconf...
默认为5sudo_user #命令执行用户 remote_port #访问管理主机的端口 host_key_checking #设置是否检查SSH主机的密钥,默认为falsetimeout #ssh连接被管理主机的超时时间 log_path #ansilbe日志文件
copy: 'remote_src=no src=roles/testbox/files/ dest=/root/ mode=0644 force=yes' # 获取文件状态 - name: check if exists stat: 'path=/root/' register: script_stat # 判断文件是否存在 - debug: msg=" exists" when: script_stat.stat.exists # 远程执行脚...
HostName 模块 Cron 模块 Yum 模块 service 模块 User 模块 Group 模块 Lineinfile模块 Replace 模块 8. Playbook 8.1 playbook 简介 8.2 YAML 简介 YAMl 语言介绍 YAML 语言特性 YAML语法简介 List列表 Dictionary字典 三种常见的数据格式 8.3 Playbook 核心元素 8.3.1 Hosts 组件 8.3.2 remote_user 组件 8.3.3...
3>script模块:运行脚本 -a "/PATH/TO/SCRIPT_FILE" [root@ansible ~]#./当前Ansible机器上的脚本:实现打印hello,输出主机名 hello myhostnameis ansible.localdomain [root@ansible~]#ansible all -m script -a'/root/'| CHANGED =>{"changed":...
Variable: _ANSIBLE_COVERAGE_REMOTE_OUTPUT Variables: name: _ansible_coverage_remote_output COVERAGE_REMOTE_PATHS Description: A list of paths for files on the Ansible controller to run coverage for when executing on the remote host. Only files that match the path glob will have their cove...
script args: executable: /some/remote/executable - name: Run a script using an executable in a system path ansible.builtin.script: /some/local/ args: executable: python3 - name: Run a Powershell script on a Windows host script: subdirectories/under/path/with/your/playbook/script....
use Ansible with, go to the Select Action drop down menu, and select Schedule Remote Job. We can leave the Job category set to Ansible Commands and the Job template set to Run Command - Ansible Default. For the command, we will specify hostname as a simple test command to run, as ...
# jinja2 templating language which will be run through the templating engine. # ENABLING THIS COULD BE A SECURITY RISK #allow_unsafe_lookups = False # set default errors for all plays #any_errors_fatal = False [inventory] # enable inventory plugins, default: 'host_list', 'script', 'yaml...