Method1:Specify Localhost in your hosts directive of your playbook. If you are running a playbook which you want to run on localhost (or) in other words you have a playbook you want to run locally. Within the playbook Just mentionlocalhostin the hosts segment where you usually specify the ...
六、远程执行playbook剧本 远程执行playbook剧本 在Ansible主机运行ansible-playbook命令,按顺序执行playbook剧本子任务,从结果看所有子任务全部执行成功。 [root@k3s-vip ansible]# ansible-playbook show_hosts.yaml PLAY [a sample for show /etc/hosts] *** TASK [Gathering Facts...
[root@localhost nginx_ntp]# ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml -f 10PLAY [apply common configuration to all nodes] ***TASK [Gathering Facts] ***
- name: Move file on remote Windows Server from one location to another win_command: CMD /C "MOVE /Y C:\teststuff\myfile.conf C:\builds\smtp.conf" 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 你也可以通过PowerShell写一个与DOS命令等价的、更加具有可读性的playbook。例如,上面的例子你也可以如下操作: - name: ano...
- hosts: localhost connection: local collections: - azure.azcollection tasks: - name: Creating resource group azure_rm_resourcegroup: name: "<resource_group_name" location: "<location>" 将<resource_group_name> 和<location> 替换为自定义值。 使用ansible-playbook 运行playbook。 Bash...
#run command,-i hosts可以省去。 ssj@ssj-mbp~/ansible $ ansible testserver -i hosts -m ping | SUCCESS =>{"changed":false,"ping":"pong"} 3 实体关系图 图3 实体关系图 playbook包含很多个play play中包含name,tasks,hosts,vars,handles属性。
ansible -m user -a 'name=runtime uid=4000 state=present' 这个任务可以将其编写为一个单任务的play并保存在playbook中。生成的playbook如下方所示: --- - name: Configure important user consistently hosts: task: - name: runtime exists with UID 4000 user: name: runtim...
1. ansible playbook之判断、循环语法: 在ansible playbook里面可以使用when语法来实现判断,通过with_items来实现循环,具体的示例如下: --- vim httpd_v4.yaml - hosts: websrvs remote_user: '{{uservar}}' vars: #定义变量,变量的值为列表 software: ...
以下代码是一个示例 playbook,它将在 Azure 中创建 Linux 虚拟机: YAML复制 - name:CreateAzureVMhosts:localhostconnection:localvars:resource_group:ansible_rg5location:westustasks:- name:Createresourcegroupazure_rm_resourcegroup:name:"{{ resource_group }}"location:"{{ location }}"- name:Create... 先看看的函数: defrun(self):super(PlaybookCLI,self).run()# Note: slightly wrong, this is written so that implicit localhost# manages passwordssshpass=Nonebecomepass=Nonepasswords={}# initial error check, to make sure all specified playbooks are accessible# before we start...