为了故障排除,ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 将写入每个变化到Windows EventLog。(useful when run unattendedly) 额外的选项 -verbose 可以用来展示更多的信息到屏幕上,关于正在执行什么。 注意: 在Window 7和Window2008 R2机器,因为Windows 管理框架的BUG,有必要安装热修复补丁,http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2842...
# 例如,启动Winrs\MaxShellRunTimeSet-Item -PathWSMan:\localhost\Shell\MaxShellRunTime -Value2147483647 注:如果主机运行在域环境下的时候,一些选项被设置在组策略对象下,主机不能自己改动。如果设置是由组策略下发的,那么它会在value旁边有[Source="GPO"]的提示。 Windows SSH设置 Ansible 2.8为Windows主机添...
Ansible 从1.7+版本开始支持Windows,但前提是管理机必须为Linux系统,远程主机的通信方式也由SSH变更为PowerShell,同时管理机必须预安装Python的Winrm模块,方可和远程Windows主机正常通信,但PowerShell需3.0+版本且Management Framework 3.0+版本,实测Windows 7 SP1和Windows Server 2008 R2及以上版本系统经简单配置可正常与A...
Ansible可以运行在windows下的Windows Subsystem for Linux(简称WSL,是一个在Windows 10\11上能够运行原生Linux二进制可执行文件(ELF格式)的兼容层。)。 Windows Subsystem for Linux(简称WSL)是一个在Windows 10\11上能够运行原生Linux二进制可执行文件(ELF格式)的兼容层。它是由微软与Canonical公司合作开发,其目标是...
You can install a released version of Ansible withpipor a package manager. See ourinstallation guidefor details on installing Ansible on a variety of platforms. Power users and developers can run thedevelbranch, which has the latest features and fixes, directly. Although it is reasonably stable,...
Because Windows modules are written in Powershell and need to be run on a Windows host, this guide differs from the usual development walkthrough guide. What’s covered in this section: Windows environment setup Unlike Python module development which can be run on the host that runs Ansibl...
一、前提: 1.1、windows机器开启winrm服务,并设置成允许远程连接状态 具体操作命令如下 set-executionpolicy remotesigned winrm quickconfig #配置auth winrm set winrm/config/service/auth '
# should not be run on a host. Set this to "False" if you don't want to see these "Skipping" # messages. NOTE: the task header will still be shown regardless of whether or not the # task is skipped. #display_skipped_hosts = True ...
On the Windows VM where you are running Ansible, open a PowerShell console. Run the following command to update the SQLServerDsc module: Update-Module-Name SQLServerDsc If the module is not installed, you can install it using the following command: ...
Linux Windows 劇本會執行下列工作: 資料庫高可用性設定 SQL Server Always On 可用性群組組態 Bash 複製 cd ${HOME}/Azure_SAP_Automated_Deployment/WORKSPACES/SYSTEM/LAB-SECE-SAP04-L00/ export sap_sid=L00 export workload_vault_name="LABSECESAP04user###" export ANSIBLE_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE=sshkey ...