- name: Ping the host ping: ``` 在上面的playbook中,定义了一个名为“Ping single host”的任务,指定了hosts为single_host,表示只执行这个组中的主机。在tasks中定义了一个简单的ping任务。 要执行上面的playbook,可以使用ansible-playbook命令。例如,要执行上面的playbook文件ping.yaml,可以使用以下命令: ```b...
1.创建ansible-playbook剧本目录 mkdir -p roles/elasticsearch_single/{files,tasks,templates,vars} 1. 2.模板文件配置 cd roles/elasticsearch_single/templates vim elasticsearch.yml.j2 #cluster.name: my_test_elasticsearch node.name: {{ansible_ssh_host}} path.data: {{elasticsearch_dir}}/data path.log...
文件内容:[ubuntuserver][redhat]"playbook.yaml“--- remote_user: root ta 浏览31提问于2021-05-25得票数1 回答已采纳 3回答 无法通过ansibleplaybook连接到远程服务器 [bhar1@desktop ~]$ansible-playbook-i inv abc.yaml -vvvconfig file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg configured module search path = [u...
It is a metaphor representing the configuration files of Ansible. It contains a list of tasks (plays) in an order they should get executed against a set of hosts or a single host based on the configuration specified. Playbooks are written in YAML, in an easy human-readable syntax You can...
运维自动化-Ansible Ansible特性: 模块化:调用特定模块任务,支持自定义模块,基于python实现 安全:基于OpenSSH协议 幂等性:一个任务执行一遍和执行N遍效果一样 支持playbook编排任务,YAML格式,编排任务 较强大的多层解决方案Role Ansible架构: Ans
hosts='web',#对应 playbook 入口yaml文件的 hosts变量,也可以是 ip ='no', tasks=[ dict(action=dict(module='shell', args='ifconfig'), register='shell_out'),#dict(action=dict(module='debug', args=dict(msg='{{shell_out.stdout}}')))] ...
After the playbook execution, the Wazuh UI should be reachable throughhttps://<dashboard_host> Example: single-host environment Playbook The hereunder example playbook uses thewazuh-ansiblerole to provision a single-host Wazuh environment. This architecture includes all the Wazuh and Opensearch componen...
These options are documented in Error handling in playbooks. Setting the batch size with serial By default, Ansible runs in parallel against all the hosts in the pattern you set in the hosts: field of each play. If you want to manage only a few machines at a time, for example ...
sudo ansible-playbook wazuh-production-ready.yml -i inventoryAfter the playbook execution, the Wazuh UI should be reachable through https://<dashboard_host>Example: single-host environmentPlaybookThe hereunder example playbook uses the wazuh-ansible role to provision a single-host Wazuh environment. ...
-name:This executes, fails, and the failure is ignoredansible.builtin.command:/bin/trueignore_unreachable:true-name:This executes, fails, and ends the play for this hostansible.builtin.command:/bin/true And at the playbook level: -hosts:allignore_unreachable:truetasks:-name:This executes, fai...