我们可以通过一个ansible playbook来验证检测一下连接是否能正常连接,具体步骤如下: 1、创建一个ansible playbook文件,名称:windowstest.yaml,内容如下: [ansible@qq-5201351WindowsTest]$catwindowstest.yaml--- - hosts:"{{hostid}}"gather_facts: no tasks:- name:1.Playbook Sample Task debug: msg: Welcome...
在Ansible里有ad hoc(临时)和Playbook(剧本)两种方式来对设备进行管理,前者顾名思义是只能运行一次的临时命令,后者则如它名字一样,是一个一次写好以后,将来可以无数次反复使用的“剧本”(你也可以把它当成我们通常理解的脚本)。实验1和实验2我们已经用到了ad hoc命令,实验3里我们将用Playbook来查询多个交换机的...
# Ansible具有幂等性,会自动跳过没有变化的部分# 建议使用绝对路径来执行playbook的yaml文件# 语法检查 和 预测试 不能保证结果绝对正确,实际的运行测试是有必要的# 特别注意yml文件的内容格式(空格、缩进)、特殊字符等,必要时重写重建---## 列出主机列表、任务列表和标签列表ansible-playbook --list-hosts --list...
# ansible webservers -m ping # Example from an Ansible Playbook - ping: # Induce an exception to see what happens - ping: data: crash RETURN VALUES: ping: description: value provided with the data parameter returned: success type: string sample: pong 查看模块的简单信息 [root@ansible ~]# ...
示例playbook 以下代码是一个示例 playbook,它将在 Azure 中创建 Linux 虚拟机: YAML复制 - name:CreateAzureVMhosts:localhostconnection:localvars:resource_group:ansible_rg5location:westustasks:- name:Createresourcegroupazure_rm_resourcegroup:name:"{{ resource_group }}"location:"{{ location }}"-...
Code Issues Pull requests Interactive Ansible tutorials with dead simple setup via Docker dockeransibledevopsansible-playbooktutorialinteractiveansible-galaxy UpdatedJan 1, 2022 Shell Go-ansible is a Go package that enables the execution of ansible-playbook or ansible commands directly from Golang applicat...
Authors Bas Meijer @bbaassssiiee, Lorin Hochstein @lorin, and René Moser @resmo show you how to write playbooks (Ansible’s configuration management scripts), manage remote servers, and explore the tool’s real power: built-in declarative modules. Code examples are available https://github.co...
OrchidE provides language support for Ansible® playbooks, roles and variables. Code assistant for Ansible modules and keywords (syntax highlighting, code completion, documentation) Code assistant for Ansible plugin filters and test conditions (syntax
Verifying your module code in a playbook You can easily run a full test by including it in a playbook, as long as thelibrarydirectory is in the same directory as the play: Create a playbook in any directory:$touchtestmod.yml
shell在playbook里面执行的是按照顺序执行的,一条一条执行,然后前一条命令执行失败了后,后面的命令是不会执行的。 如果真的要是使用shell执行的话,会预感到错误,就需要加上判断和逻辑关系。 一:创建文件夹然后重启httpd服务,使用shell命令与模块对比 编写yaml [root@ansible ~]# vim service1.yaml --- - hosts...