Shortly put, Ansible REPLACE is to globally replace all the matching lines in a file with the String you have provided, on other hand LINEINFILE is to replace a matching string in a Single line Mostly First or Last appearance In this post, we are going to see various examples of ansible ...
如果批量修改配置文件某一行时,在写playbook时lineinfile避免不了的。 根据官网说法:lineinfile - Ensure a particular line is in a file, or replace an existing line using a back-referenced regular expression.大意是说,针对文件特殊行,使用后端引用的正则表达式来替换 二、实践 playbook,我先定义前面common部...
如果批量修改配置文件某一行时,在写playbook时lineinfile避免不了的。 根据官网说法:lineinfile - Ensure a particular line is in a file, or replace an existing line using a back-referenced regular expression.大意是说,针对文件特殊行,使用后端引用的正则表达式来替换 二、实践 playbook,我先定义前面common部...
-name:change configurationgather_facts:falsehosts:localhosttasks:-name:change content in test_conf.inilineinfile:path:/home/starky/projects/ansible/practice/test_conf.iniregexp:'^THIRD'line:'THIRD=3'backrefs:true 当目标文件的内容如下: FIRST=true SECOND=2 playbook 实际不会对其做任何修改,不会在文...
根据官⽹说法:lineinfile - Ensure a particular line is in a file, or replace an existing line using a back-referenced regular expression.⼤意是说,针对⽂件特殊⾏,使⽤后端引⽤的正则表达式来替换 ⼆、实践 playbook,我先定义前⾯common部分。--- - hosts: "{{host}}"remote_user: ...
ansible 下lineinfile详细使用 一、简述 这几天在看了ansible官网,收获蛮多。截取一个lineinfile模块作一个总结。如果批量修改配置文件某一行时,在写playbook时lineinfile避免不了的。 根据官网说法:lineinfile - Ensure a particular line is in a file, or replace an existing line using a back-referenced ...
Ansible lineinfile module could be the saviour of your day when you want to work with files and especially modify their content on the run, like adding a new line in the file or updating a line in the file or replace a line in the file when certain text is found and much more. ...
replace, lineinfile template这三个模块 感兴趣的朋友可以自行研究一下 我今天用的是playbook用正则表达式匹配要更改的项 首先自己写一个playbook [root@t0 playbook]#catchange_ssh.yml--- -hosts: test gather_facts:false# become: yes # become_method:suremote_user: root ...
使用regex_replace去除ansible playbook中的字符 是一种正则表达式替换方法,可以用于对ansible playbook中的字符串进行处理和修改。 regex_replace是ansible中的一个字符串过滤器,它使用正则表达式来匹配和替换字符串。它的语法如下: {{ variable | regex_replace(pattern, replacement) }}...
- name: Replace a line in a file replace: path: /path/to/file regexp: 'old line' line: 'new line' ``` 上述任务称为“Modify file content”,它适用于所有主机,并且需要提升特权(使用`become: true`)。任务使用了 Ansible 提供的“replace”模块,它可以替换文件中的一行文本。在这个例子中,我们将...