handles和template目录当前没有用到 当然,再使用playbook之前,一定是确保了ansible可以免密登录需要添加的节点 编排文件 vars/main.yml 在使用前,一定要根据实际情况来配置运行时目录 ---#运行时配置,使用前一定要确认要添加的节点是用docker还是runtime#runtime_dir: "/var/lib/containerd"runtime_dir:"var/lib/d...
执行一个 playbook 之前,农想看看这个 playbook 的执行会影响到哪些 hosts,可以这样做: ansibleplaybook playbook.yml --list-hosts 实践例子:https://github.com/ansible/ansibleexamples playbook.yml 文件like 可 this: --- - hosts: webservers,webservers2 vars: http_port: 80 max_clien...
使用Xshell连接跳板机上配置ansible主机分组: 在跳板机上书写haproxy.cfg及keepalived.conf配置文件,通过playbook拷贝到俩台服务器上 haproxy.cfg配置文件如下: 1[root@proxy ~]# vim /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg2global3log127.0.0.1local2 ##[err warning info debug]4chroot /usr/local/haproxy5pidfile /var/...
# Performs a health check for a remote server from the machine running the # play. - name: Wait for server to pass health-checks health_check: url: "http://{{ inventory_name }}" delegate_to: # Runs a health check for an HTTP server running on the current host. # passes...
现在为智能卡验证配置了清单文件的ipaclients部分中列出的客户端。 注意 如果您使用--mkhomedir选项安装了 IdM 客户端,远程用户将能够登录到其主目录。否则,默认登录位置是目录结构/的根。 其他资源 在/usr/share/doc/an...
Clone the Ansible Playbooks for Confluent Platform repo into the platform directory inside the directory you created in the previous step: git clone https://github.com/confluentinc/cp-ansible <path_to_cp-ansible>/ansible_collections/confluent/platform Use Cases Ansible Playbooks for Confluent Platfor...
9、ansible安装zabbix客户端的playbook配置文件zabbix_client_install.yml 15:20:02 # cat /etc/ansible/zabbix_client_install.yml --- hosts: '{{host}}' remote_user: '{{user}}' gather_facts: True roles: - zabbix_client_install 10、使用playbook安装zabbix客户端 我...
For authentication, you can set scopes using the GCP_SCOPES env variable. Environment variables values will only be used if the playbook values are not set. The service_account_email and service_account_file options are mutually exclusive.Examples - name: create a https health check gcp_compute...
zabbix_server_ip: zabbix_server的ip 此文件是配置变量的 9、ansible安装zabbix客户端的playbook配置文件zabbix_client_install.yml 15:20:02 # cat /etc/ansible/zabbix_client_install.yml --- - hosts: "`host`" remote_user: "`user`" gather_facts: True roles: - zabbix_client_install...