[root@server1 ansible]# vim playbook.yml ##在最后添加 - hosts: prod tasks: - name: install mariadb dnf: name: - mariadb-server - python3-PyMySQL state: present - name: start mariadb service: name: mariadb state: started enabled: yes - name: accept 3306 firewalld: service: mysql ...
你也可以通过PowerShell写一个与DOS命令等价的、更加具有可读性的playbook。例如,上面的例子你也可以如下操作: -name: another raw module example demonstrating powershell one liner hosts: windows tasks:- name: Movefileon remote Windows Server from one location to another win_command: Powershell.exe"Move-...
你也可以通过PowerShell写一个与DOS命令等价的、更加具有可读性的playbook。例如,上面的例子你也可以如下操作: - name: another raw module example demonstrating powershell one liner hosts: windows tasks: - name: Move file on remote Windows Server from one location to another win_command: Powershell.exe...
# Test connectivity to a windows host # ansible winserver -m win_ping - name: Example from an Ansible Playbook win_ping: - name: Induce an exception to see what happens # 异常查看 win_ping: data: crash3.2、win_command —在win节点上执行口令一般...
Complete ansible tutorials Part 4 Out 6 — By DevOpsSchool Complete ansible tutorials Part 5 Out 6 — By DevOpsSchool Complete ansible tutorials Part 6 Out 6 — By DevOpsSchool Author Recent Posts Follow me Rajesh Kumar DevOps - DevSecOps - SRE CoachatRent Bikes and Cars Now using MOTOSH...
main.yml: Ansible playbook called by Vagrant to provision the domain control node and join the child hosts to the domain By default, these files will create the following environment: A single AD domain controller running on Windows Server 2016 ...
(5)、playbook:剧本执行多个任务时,非必需可以让节点一次性运行多个任务。 三、Windows下Ansible工作模式 Ansible 从1.7+版本开始支持Windows,但前提是管理机必须为Linux系统,远程主机的通信方式也由SSH变更为PowerShell,同时管理机必须预安装Python的Winrm模块,方可和远程Windows主机正常通信,但PowerShell需3.0+版本且Manag...
ansible winhost.example.com -m setup Windows Playbook示例 执行powershell脚本-name:test scriptmodulehosts:windows tasks:-name:run test script script:files/test_script.ps1 获取ip地址信息-name:test rawmodulehosts:windows tasks:-name:run ipconfig ...
Windows Playbook Examples Look to the list of windows modules for most of what is possible, though also some modules like “raw” and “script” also work on Windows, as do “fetch” and “slurp”. Here is an example of pushing and running a PowerShell script: ...
Ansible Playbook Example For this example, we will create a playbook in the Ansible installation folder: sudo nano /etc/ansible/example_playbook.yaml This playbook contains the following elements: ---: Signals the start of the playbook.