Example Ansible Playbook with multiple hosts and multiple plays. Here is the ansible playbook with multiple hosts in it. You can see we are working with web and application servers in the same playbook and executing two different plays (set of tasks) respectively. ---# Play1 - WebServer rel...
ansible终于有了好用的调试器 --- 用aiansible去调试ansible playbook和role 用aiansible调试ansible, 并通过快捷键快速向chatgpt 或 kimi 快速请求注释和提示错误的解决办法. aiansible地址:https://aiansible 技术问答: qq群: 937374915 基本使用说明/basic usage: :cn 设置语言为中文 :en 设置语言为英文 i 对...
[root@workstation playbook-basic]# cat files/index.html www.westos.org 1. 2. 执行playbook [root@workstation playbook-basic]# ansible-playbook site.yml 1. 测试 [root@workstation playbook-basic]# curl serverb.lab.example.com www.westos.org [root@workstation playbook-basic]# curl serverc.lab...
如果这失败了,要么是因为你没有在管理机上签署(signed into)Kerberos,要么是因为远程主机上对应的域帐户不可用,接着 Ansible 将返回原始(“plain”)username/password的认证方式。 当你使用playbook时,不要忘记指定--ask-vault-pass来解锁文件。 使用如下命令来测试你的配置,尝试连接你的 Windows 节点。注意:这不是...
For this example, we will create a playbook in the Ansible installation folder: sudo nano /etc/ansible/example_playbook.yaml This playbook contains the following elements: ---: Signals the start of the playbook. name: Defines the name for the Ansible playbook. ...
For example: - name: update tooling vars: version: 1.2.3 # ^--- there is a tab there. Should be written as: - name: update tooling vars: version: 1.2.3 # ^--- all spaces here. Alternatively, you can check your ansible-playbook content from online using the following url @YAML Li...
ansible winhost.example.com -m setup 注意,这个命令的调用方式和 Linux/Unix 是一样的。 Windows Playbook Exampleswindows playbook举例 这里有一个推送和运行一个PowerShell脚本的例子: - name: test script module hosts: windows tasks: - name: run test script ...
vars:greeting:HelloWorld!tasks:-name:AnsibleBasicVariableExampledebug:msg:"{{ greeting }}" 在上述剧本中,greeting变量由值Hello world!代替。当剧本运行时,该剧本仅打印消息Hello world! Ansible中的Playbook变量 此外,您可以具有一个列表或变量数组,如下所示: ...
Playbook 的目录结构: . ├── basic_uptime.yml ├── group_vars ├── hosts ├──library│ └── chkuptime └── roles 清单文件(hosts) [remote] 现在,我们运行这个 play,它应该返回目标机器的正常运行时间: **[rdas@localhost ]$ ansible-playbook -i hosts basic_uptime.yml*...
Example 1:Create the file on the target machines or servers as mentioned in the inventory file and the webserver’s group, save the below code with .yml extension and run the playbook. - hosts: webservers become: true tasks: - name: Create a file ...