nxos_install_osSetboot optionslikeboot, kickstart imageandissu cnos_static_route ManagestaticIP routesonLenovo CNOS network devices win_eventlog Manage Windowseventlogs vmware_category Manage VMware categories vmware_host_feature_info Gathers info about an ESXi host's feature capability informatio... ...
Windows 客户端需要您安装以下应用程序的特定版本: PowerShell 3.0 或更高版本 .NET 4.0 这两个要求在大多数 Windows 版本上都得到满足,除了 Windows 7 和 Windows Server 2008。 有一个由 Ansible 制作的 PowerShell 脚本,可以自动安装缺少的要求,可在以下链接找到:github.com/PacktPublishing/Ansible-QuickStart-Gu...
nxos_install_os Set boot options like boot, kickstart image and issu cnos_static_route Manage static IP routes on Lenovo CNOS network devices win_eventlog Manage Windows event logs vmware_category Manage VMware categories vmware_host_feature_info Gathers info about an ESXi host's feature capabilit...
VMware Workstation 17.6 Pro macOS Unlocker & OEM BIOS 2.7 for Windows - 在 Windows 上运行 macOS Sequoia VMware Workstation 17.6 Pro macOS Unlocker & OEM BIOS 2.7 for Windows在 Windows 上运行 macOS Sequoia请访问原文链接:https://sysin.cn/blog/vmware-workstation-17-unlocker-windows/,查看最新版。
目前,只要机器上安装了 Python 2.6 或 Python 2.7 (windows系统不可以做控制主机),都可以运行Ansible. 主机的系统可以是 Red Hat, Debian, CentOS, OS X, BSD的各种版本,等等. 对节点主机的要求 通常我们使用 ssh 与托管节点通信,默认使用 sftp.如果 sftp 不可用,可在 ansible.cfg 配置文件中配置成 scp 的方...
配置Ansibleinvolves setting up the/etc/ansible/hostsfile, which contains all the hosts and groups that Ansible will manage. This configuration facilitates the management of infrastructure by categorizing hosts according to their role or purpose, such as web servers, database servers, etc....
Ansible Tower附带awx-manage命令行实用工具,可以用来访问详细的Ansible Tower内部信息。awx-manage命令必须以root用户或awx (Ansible Tower)用户的身份运行。这个工具最常用来重置Ansible Tower的管理密码和导入一个已存在的静态清单文件到Ansible Tower服务器。
using Ansible to manage Windows, many of the syntax and rules that apply for Unix/Linux hosts also apply to Windows, but there are still some differences when it comes to components like path separators and OS-specific tasks. This document covers details specific to using Ansible for Windows....
首先,使用awx-manage命令和createsuperuser子命令创建一个新的系统管理员用户。使用以下信息: [root@tower supervisor]# awx-manage createsuperuser Username (leave blank to use 'root'): admin2 Email address: admin2@lab.example.com Password: redhat ...
a10_virtual_server – Manage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices’ virtual servers aci_aaa_user – Manage AAA users (aaa:User) aci_aaa_user_certificate – Manage AAA user certificates (aaa:UserCert) aci_access_port_block_to_access_port – Manage port blocks of Fabric interface po...