hosts: server2 vars_files: ./user_list.yml tasks: - name: create user user: name: "{{item}}" state: absent remove: yes loop: "{{USERS}}" ##此处赋值时不用加- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 删除用户成功 二、循环散列或字典列表 赋予不同的服务不同...
其工作方式为,该角色将一个布尔值变量selinux_reboot_required设为True,如果需要重新引导,则失败。你可以使用block/rescure结构来从失败中恢复,具体操作为:如果该变量未设为true,则让play失败,如果值是true,则重新引导受管主机并重新运行该角色。Play中的块看起来应该类似于: [root@centos8-1 ansible]# less /usr...
inventory host_vars/* playbook host_vars/* host facts play vars play vars_prompt play vars_files role vars (defined in role/vars/main.yml) block vars (only for tasks in block) task vars (only for the task) role (and include_role) params include params include_vars set_facts / register...
Ansible支持使用loop关键字对一组项目迭代任务;可以配置循环以利用列表中的各个项目、列表中各个文件的内容、生成的数字序列或更为复杂的结构来重复任务。 1.1 Loop数组循环 loop关键字添加到任务中,将应对其迭代任务的项目列表取为值。循环变量item保存每个迭代过程中使用的值。 1.2 vars传递数组给Loop循环 1.3 Loop字...
- name: blocktesthosts: node1 tasks: - block: - debug:msg="vg myvg not found"#提示卷组没找到- debug:msg="create vg myvg .. .."#做其他操作(比如创建这个卷组...)when:('myvg'not in ansible_lvm.vgs)#当卷组myvg不存在时rescue: ...
在ansible中,使用block将多个任务进行组合,当作一个整体。我们可以对这一个整体做条件判断,当条件成立时,则执行块中的所有任务: 使用block注意事项: 可以为block定义name 可以直接对block使用when,但不能直接对block使用loop - hosts: dbsrvs tasks: - name: set /etc/resolv.conf ...
-name :Includetasksblock:-name:callexample.ymlinclude_tasks:"example.yml"vars:my_var:"{{ outer_item }}"with_items:-[1,2]loop_control:loop_var:outer_item Share Improve this answer answeredJun 8, 2020 at 23:58 Moon 3,00711 gold badge2121 silver badges3434 bronze badges ...
block vars (only for tasks in block) task vars (only for the task) include_vars set_facts / registered vars role (and include_role) params include params extra vars (for example,-e"user=my_user")(always win precedence) In general, Ansible gives precedence to variables that were defined ...
block: - debug: msg: "{{ item }}" loop: "{{ lookup('ns.col.lookup_items', wantlist=True) }}" - debug: msg: "{{ item }}" loop: "{{ q('ns.col.lookup_items') }}" For more details and a list of lookup plugins in ansible-core, see Working with plugins. You may also...
ansible-playbook-grapher tests/fixtures/with_block.yml ansible-playbook-grapher --include-role-tasks --renderer mermaid-flowchart tests/fixtures/multi-plays.yml ansible-playbook-grapher --renderer json tests/fixtures/simple_playbook.yml Json output { "version": 1, "playbooks": [ { "type": "Pl...