# - Blank lines are ignored # 空白行被忽略 # - Groups of hosts are delimited by [hea der] elements # 主机组 需要在【】下面 # - You can enter hostnames or ip addresses #可以写主机名或者ip地址 # - A hostname/ip can be a member of multiple groups # 一台主机可以在多个组里面 www[...
这就是dict2items过滤器的作用,看到上述转换后的数据格式,我们可以发现,字典数据经过"dict2items"处理后,与字典数据经过"with_dict"处理后的格式完全相同(可以参考前文的"with_dict"总结), 经过上述描述,我们可以发现,无论是**“with_X”、“loop加lookup"还是"loop加filter”**,都是使用不同的方式,实现相同的...
一、lineinfile模块可以确保某一行文本存在于指定的文件中,或者确保从文件中删除指定的文本,还可以根据正则表达式替换某一行文本。下面罗列一下lineinfile模块的参数: path:必须参数,指定要操作的文件 line:用来指定文本内容 regexp:使用正则表达式匹配对应的行,当替换文本时,如果有多行文本都能匹配,则只有最后面被匹配...
This module ensures a particular line is in a file,or replace an existing line using a back-referenced regular expression. This is primarily useful when you want to change a single line in a file only. See the[replace]module if you want to change multiple,similar lines or check[blockinfil...
之所以专门说一说这个模块,是因为lineinfile在实际使用中非常有用。 lineinfile模块用于在源文件中插入、删除、替换行,和sed命令的功能类似,也支持正则表达式匹配和替换。 实际上,在大多数时候,我们在linux上的操作,就是针对文件的操作,通过配置管理工具对配置文件作统一的配置修改是一个非常酷的功能。
However, lineinfile is only designed to work on one line of text, not multiple lines. We would suggest: Using the replace module instead. In the future, this might be a topic more well suited for the user list, which you can also post here if you'd like some more help with the abo...
>BLOCKINFILE (/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/modules/files/blockinfile.py) This module will insert/update/remove a block of multi-line text surrounded by customizable marker lines. OPTIONS (= is mandatory):-attributes Attributes the file or directory should have. To get supported flags...
[Ansible]lineinfile单⾏替换修改 在被管理的节点上⽤正则对⽬标⽂件的⼀⾏内容修改删除 在⼀个⽂件中匹配的多⾏统⼀处理参考 ⽂件中多⾏处理 path ⽬标⽂件路径 state absent删除 regexp 正则匹配最后⼀⾏被替换 line 要在⽂件中插⼊替换的⾏ create ⽂件不存在是,是否要...
line=1 lone=2 line=3 line=? playbooks 测试-line --- - name: update test hosts: master remote_user: root tasks: - name: ensure selinux is set to enforcing mode ansible.builtin.lineinfile: path: /root/test/test.txt regexp: '^line=' ...
- name:Wait for webserver to start.local_action:module:wait_forhost:"{{ inventory_hostname }}"port:"{{ webserver_port }}"delay:10timeout:300state:started ansible wait for the port to close If you modify the playbook given in Example 1 a little bit. you would be able to achieve the...