ansible 引用多个主机组inventory_hostname in groups ansible添加主机,一、Ansible安装部署需要两台rhel8.2系统的主机,分别命名为westos_ansible,westos_node1ansible主机需配置好本地镜像后,再为westos_ansible添加epel源dnfinstall
- name: Deploy apps hosts: webservers gather_facts: False tasks: - name: wait for ssh to be running local_action: wait_for port=22 host="{{ inventory_hostname }}" search_regex=OpenSSH - name: gather facts setup: ... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 启用fact缓存 如果在play中...
when: inventory_hostname in groups['group'] Fails: when: inventory_hostname in {{ groups['group'] }} So it is the extra set of {{ }} that causes the problem. Although I don't know why it works for static but not for dynamic....
So just did a lot of experimenting and found Works: when: inventory_hostname in groups['group'] Fails: when: inventory_hostname in {{ groups['group'] }} So it is the extra set of {{ }} that causes the problem. Although I don't know why it works for static but not for dynamic...
playbook是ansible用于配置,部署,和管理被控节点的剧本。 通过playbook的详细描述,执行其中的一系列tasks...
inventory_hostname 当前主机被Ansible识别的名字, inventory_hostname_short 当前主机被Ansible识别的名字,没有域名,myhost group_names 列表,成员是当前主机所属的群组 groups 字典,键名为Ansible的群组名,值为对应群组成员组成的列表,包括all和ungroup的两个组{"all":[...],"web":[...
一、在Inventory中定义变量 详见《Ansible2:主机清单》 二、在Playbook中定义变量 1、通过vars关键字定义: vars: http_port: 80 server_name: localhost cert_file: /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.crt key_file: /etc/nginx/ssh/nginx.key conf_file: /etc/nginx/conf/default.conf ...
Next, we write a playbook that uses the inventory_hostname variable as shown in the following example: --- - name: Display the inventory_hostname hosts: webservers tasks: - name: Print the inventory_hostname debug: msg: "The current host is: {{ inventory_hostname }}" ...
如果使用IP配置主机,inventory_hostname的值就是IP,如果使用别名,inventory_hostname的值就是别名 如只给k8s主节点分发配置文件 代码语言:javascript 复制 -name:分发kubeconfig配置文件copy:src=cluster_dir/item dest=/etc/kubernetes/itemwhen:"inventory_hostname in groups['kube_master']" ...
inventory_hostname 此变量从清单脚本或 ansible 配置文件获取机器的主机名。 您不能设置此变量的值。 由于从配置文件中获取了该值,实际运行时主机名值可能与此变量返回的不同。 法律通告 copyright © 2024 red hat, inc. the text of and illustrations in this documen...