2.install ansible ansible服务器 yum install -y epel-release 安装epel源,如果您在非学校环境,请使用下方阿里YUM rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/* wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo http://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/epel-7.repo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo http://mirrors.aliyun....
Ansible 运行在控制节点上,并且只能运行在 linux 操作系统上,对于被控节点,可以是主机设备,也可以是网络设备,主机设备的操作系统,可以是 Windows,也可以是 linux。 Ansible跟其他IT自动化技术的区别在于其关注点并非配置管理、应用部署或IT流程工作流,而是提供一个统一的界面来协调所有的IT自动化功能,因此Ansible的系统...
win_hotfix - install and uninstalls Windows hotfixes win_iis_virtualdirectory - Configures a virtual directory in IIS. win_iis_webapplication - Configures IISweb applications win_iis_webapppool - configures an IIS Web Application Pool win_iis_webbinding - Configures a IIS Web site binding. win_...
- name: Install the foo service community.windows.win_nssm: name: foo application: C:\windows\foo.exe # This will yield the following command: C:\windows\foo.exe bar "true" - name: Install the Consul service with a list of parameters community.windows.win_nssm: name: Consul application:...
Monitoring, Outage Windows Load Balancing, Pools Email, REST, Logging, Interaction, etc 一、简介 Ansible is a radically simple configuration-management, application deployment, task-execution, and multinode orchestration engine. Design Principles
pip install"pywinrm>=0.3.0" 如需詳細資訊,請參閱適用於 Ansible的 Windows 遠端管理。 建立資源群組 建立名為azure_windows_vm.yml的 Ansible 劇本,並將下列內容複製到劇本: YAML --- name:CreateAzureVMhosts:localhostconnection:localtasks:- name:Createresourcegroupazure_rm_resourcegroup:name:myResourceGroup...
I'm building playbooks to deploy a Windows application that requires some prerequisites (Visual C++ runtimes and dotNet framework) to be installed before the application itself. These prerequisites are .EXE files and are all contained in a specific folder. ...
-name:Ensure each account is createdwin_domain_user:name:'{{item.name}}'upn:'{{item.name}}@MY.DOMAIN.COM'password:'{{item.password}}'password_never_expires:falsegroups:-Test User-Applicationcompany:Ansibleupdate_password:on_createloop:-name:Test Userpassword:Password-name:Admin Userpassword:Su...
debug: msg=”this is working" And, finally, run the playbook. ansible playbook testbook.yml --connection=local Conclusion I hope this helps you to install Ansible on Windows. Check out thisblog postto learn about the playbook to automate the tasks....
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall 如果它匹配,那么没有任何改变要做...