- name: Createdirto keepinstallfile file: path=/opt/pacheagestate=directory follow=yesforce=yes - name: Copyinstallfile copy: src=redis-{{ redis_version }}.tar.gz dest=/opt/pacheage/ - name: Delete lasttimeunarchive file: path=/opt/pacheage/redis-{{ redis_version }} state=absent - n...
安装boto和boto3,用户连接AWS内容的SDK pip3 install boto boto3 作为aws-cli测试效果,可以使用command,没有error就是成功了 aws s3 ls 3. 测试效果准备Ansible playbook和inventory文件 由于S3是免费的,作为测试就以建立S3为目标构建以下的playbook文件aws-s3.ymlAnsible playbook-...
anbile host-mping#可用了 提示:缺少yaml模块使用pip安装 pip install PyYAML
在节点上(node1和node2),确保 SSH 服务器已安装并正在运行:sudo yum installopenssh-server-y sudo...
Throughout this tutorial, I will be using AWS EC2 instances to showcase the examples. I have used 2 instances (one control machine and other as a target for automating tasks) and Redhat Linux 7.5. Whether on-premise or cloud instances you will need to open ports appropriately based on the...
aws 上安装集群在aws 上将集群安装到现有的 vpc 中在aws 上安装私有集群使用cloudformation 模板在 aws 中用户置备的基础架构上安装集群使用镜像安装内容在 aws 上安装集群在aws 上卸载集群在azure 上安装在azure 上安装在azure 上安装在azure 上安装配置azure 帐户在azure 上快速安装集群使用自定义在 azure 上安...
看所有模块(A10,华为,docker,EC2,aws等等广大厂商设备) [root@ansible-server ~]# ansible-doc -l 查看模块使用信息,了解其功能: [root@ansible-server ~]# ansible-doc -s yum 常用模块 1.远程复制备份模块:copy 模块参数详解: src=:指定源文件路径 ...
自动化的(AWS)云服务管理。 1. 2. 3. 4. 根据Ansible 官方提供的信息,当前使用 Ansible 的用户有:evernote、rackspace、NASA、Atlassian、twitter 等。 1、分别配置各自主机名,并配置hosts文件(能互相解析) 8.20、8.39、8.40 #vim /etc/hosts # hostname node1.chinasoft.com ...
1.The Machine that has ansible installed on it and controls ansible hostsThe Machine that is controlled and managed by Ansible 2.Can be either a local machine or a dedicated server (AWS EC2instance for example)Should be able to be ssh connected to the control node ...
kubernetesawsansiblekubernetes-clusterhigh-availabilitygcehacktoberfestbare-metalkubesprayk8s-sig-cluster-lifecycle UpdatedDec 20, 2024 Jinja ansible/awx Star14.2k Code Issues Pull requests AWX provides a web-based user interface, REST API, and task engine built on top of Ansible. It is one of the...