ansible 安装 docker 在debian ansible 容器 红帽公司近日宣布在Ansible项目下推出Ansible容器,提供无代理的开源IT自动化构架。Ansible容器现在已经提供技术预览版,支持在Ansible playbook(配置文件)中完整构建Docker格式的Linux容器,而且无需使用诸如Dockerfile或docker-compose等外部工具。 虽然容器格式正在逐渐以开放容器项目的...
下面是一个针对Ubuntu/Debian系统的Ansible playbook示例,使用apt模块来安装Docker: yaml - name: Install Docker on Ubuntu/Debian hosts: ubuntu_servers become: yes tasks: - name: Update apt package index apt: update_cache: yes - name: Install dependencies apt: name: "{{ packages }}" state: pres...
---name:Install Docker on multiple servershosts:my_serversbecome:true# 以 sudo 权限执行tasks:-name:Install dependenciesapt:name:"{{ item }}"state:presentloop:-apt-transport-https-ca-certificates-curl-software-properties-common-name:Add Docker's official GPG keyapt_key:url:state:present-name:Add...
Install Docker. Pull this image from Docker Hub:docker pull cisagov/docker-debian13-ansible:latest(or use the image you built earlier, e.g.debian13-ansible). Run a container from the image:docker run --detach --privileged --volume=/sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:rw --cgroupns=host cisa...
本文使用 debian11 的官方镜像作为底座和中科大的软件源,Dockerfile 文件定义如下: FROM debian:latestRUN sed -i 's/' /etc/apt/sources.list \&& apt-getupdate-y \&& apt-getupgrade-y \&& apt-getinstallansible -y \&& apt-getinstallsshpass -y \&& apt-ge...
ansible-docker-registry Ansible role for docker-registry v2 install. 计划包括功能: yum/apt 离线安装 docker-registry OR docker-compose 安装整个套件 docker-registry 实用 ui redis Caddy 配置password ✨功能 🐾 Warning: 目前只支持 amd64 的 RHEL/CentOS 7.8+, 以及 arm64 版本的 Debian buster 和 bu...
#An ad-hoc Ansible command to remove the Docker Compose Plugin package on all hosts.ansible all -m apt -a"name=docker-compose-plugin autoremove=true purge=true state=absent"-b Installing Docker Compose v1 By default this role doesn't install Docker Compose v1 since it's been officially de...
1yum install rpm-build make asciidoc git python-setuptools python2-devel2gitclonegit:// --recursive&&cd./ansible3make rpm&&sudo rpm -Uvh ./rpm-build/ansible-*.noarch.rpm bash 8.3 Error during the installation of Ansible on Debian ...
基于以上考虑,笔者最终采用构建自定义 docker 镜像的方式部署 Ansible。除了克服以上弊端外,镜像制作完成后可以方便地移植到任意安装 docker 的环境中,无需兼顾环境因素。本文使用 debian11 的官方镜像作为底座和中科大的软件源,Dockerfile 文件定义如下: 复制
dest: /home/Docker18.09_CentOS7.6/ mode: u+x - name: install docker shell: chdir: /home/Docker18.09_CentOS7.6/ cmd: /home/Docker18.09_CentOS7.6/ EOF ansible-playbook shell.yml 附录:命令帮助 [root@centos181001 ~]# ansible --help ...