Valid file extensions include ‘.yml’, ‘.yaml’, ‘.json’, or no file extension. Ansible loads host and group variable filesby searching paths relative to the inventory file or the playbook file. If your inventory file at/etc/ansible/hostscontains a host named ‘foosball’ thatbelongs to...
3、group_names :用于标识当前正在执行task的目标主机位于的=组 4、inventory_hostname:是指inventory资产文件中的主机的名称,常用来修改主机名与资产文件中一致 - name: configuire system hostname hostname: name: "{{ inventory_hostname }} become: yes 1 2 3 4 5、inventory_hostname与ansible_host的区...
self._variable_manager.set_host_variable(host=my_host, varname="ansible_ssh_port", value=hostport) if password: self._variable_manager.set_host_variable(host=my_host, varname="ansible_ssh_pass", value=password) self._variable_manager.set_host_variable(host=my_host, varname="ansible_ssh_...
ansible-playbook release.yml --extra-vars "version=1.23.45 other_variable=foo" 1. 这是有用的,例如,在其他的配置中,设置playbook的hosts组或者用户: --- - hosts: '{{ hosts }}' remote_user: '{{ user }}' tasks: - ... ansible-playbook release.yml --extra-vars "hosts=vipers user=starbu...
Ansible Host Variable问题 是指在使用Ansible进行主机配置管理时,涉及到主机变量的相关问题。主机变量是一种在Ansible中定义和使用的变量,用于在不同的主机上设置不同的配置参数或属性。 主机变量可以在Ansible的主机清单文件中定义,也可以在Playbook中通过vars关键字进行定义。在使用Ansible进行配置管理时,可以根据不同的...
variable #变量 templates #模板 handlers #当关注的资源发生变化时,需要采取的操作 roles #角色 举例如下: # cat apache.yml-hosts:webserver remote_user:root vars:-package:httpd-service:httpd tasks:-name:install httpdpackageyum:name={{package}}state=latest-name:install configuration fileforhttpdcopy:src...
{{ some_variable | to_yaml }} 如果你想输出对人类更加友好的方式: {{ some_variable | to_nice_json }} {{ some_variable | to_nice_yaml }} 我们还可以设置缩进: {{ some_variable | to_nice_json (indent = 2)}} {{ some_variable | to_nice_yaml (indent = 8)}} ...
#var.ymlcreate:directory:Lovefilename:Ansible.shcontext:"insert file a talk about \b \t \n"#建议对于字符串一定要添加双引号,可使用转义字符;# variable.yml---hosts:localremote_user:rootvars:#关键点1-直接在play文件中定义变量-dirRoot:/tmp/vars_files:#关键点2-包含外部设定的变量文件-/root/var...
when: motd_contents.stdout.find('hi') != -1下面是一个register的变量在循环中使用的例子:- name: registered variable usage as a with_items list hosts: all tasks: - name: retrieve the list of home directories command: ls /home register: home_dirs ...
To create a basic encrypted variable, pass three options to the ansible-vault encrypt_string command: a source for the vault password (prompt, file, or script, with or without a vault ID) the string to encrypt the string name (the name of the variable) The pattern looks like this: ...